How do I change the text language after the latest update? I launch the game through Steam

I know I’m able to change the text language through BNet, but I launch the game through steam, there’s no way for me to change the text language and keep the English voice at the same time. There was an option to change the text language in Accessibility, why was that option removed? I just want to hear the English voice!

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A quick google search gave this: h ttps://

lose the space.

Thank you, however what I want is to change the text language while keeping the English voice. I know how to change the game language, but that would change the voice at the same time.

Dunno if that’s possible, good luck anyway.

Just change the Language ingame?
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No option there, there was an option in the Accessibility and they removed it.

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It was under SOUND last time i checked… double checked right now ingame and its gone…

does your steam installation have a hidden file named “.product.db”

i am ablo to open it via notepad++
theres this specific line


the first enUS respresents the Voice while deDE represents Text/Subtitles

tested it with the Japanese and Spanisch language Code and its working… until Bnet will change the file on its own… it may help with your Steam isntall

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You mean D4 installation? No, I didn’t find it…

do it in the launcher.

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I wouldn’t have posted this if it helped.

Just Click into games option on Steam and select the language that you want (there’s an download process to change the game idiom).

I also cant find how to change the language… please help.

Apparently, Blizzard thinks that foreign players like me who want to change the text language while keeping the English voice are completely unworthy of attention.