How are "not buying D4" players able to create posts?

The game hasn’t launched yet, and pre-orders are still available. Forums are a marketing tool like everything else in the video game business.

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I must have missed this… I guess I was trying to post before the betas.

This right here.

Normally Blizzard forums are locked such that you need a game license to post. For free games you need a certain amount of in-game progress to unlock posting. Exceptions being Console forums and Tech Support.

They unlocked the D4 forum during the Server Slam so everyone could give feedback and have not locked up again. Yet. I fully expect it will be.


Cool… got it.

And glad to see you still here MissCheetah… you’ve been doing this now for 8+ years at least? (I’ve been on D3 forums from around 2013 I think).

As a green? Since 2013 so it has been 10 years. Of course you don’t become green without spending a few years doing the same thing as a standard text poster. I was first dyed green for the D3 Tech Support help that first two years. I also do the same things in the WoW forums as Mirasol.

Now I am just mossy and moldy :slight_smile:


Well then, from the beginning of my D3 days (as a green). Cheers and stay fun :smiley:

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This feature actually adss on to the complaining. Though it should die down once the full release is underway. I’m still waiting for the “bad review” threats.

I was posting here before I pre-purchased.

But my battlenet account is from 2014 I think if not older.

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They did have the forum locked other than during the Beta access periods until the Server Slam.

It required a pre-purchase, Beta key like from KFC, or a Beta key from something else in order to post.

If it was around an Open Beta weekend then the forum was unlocked like it is now.

Each Blizzard forum has its own license or progress requirements, it is not a global Bnet thing.

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Oh I had KFC access like Druid? :joy:

I’ve seen this reply before and have a question about this (if you might know the answer)

Why is the console version unlocked but PC locked without license? Would the console versions not come with a license themselves or is there no way to track a license via console purchase?

I have an Xbox and PC and played the betas/server slam on both to test differences in stability and response, UI etc. At some point when I’ve earned enough MS points (what friends call “spacebucks”) I’m debating a possible purchase on Xbox as well just so I can play anywhere in the house I want. This forum locking one but not the other is strange to me.

The forum software can’t track the Console license :slight_smile:

Even with the Console account linked to the Bnet account for cross progress, there is not an external “flag” that the forum software can pick up to verify that you have a copy of the game.

Think about it this way. To verify you have a copy of the game on console, Blizzard would have to query the console maker and verify the license is active in in good standing each time that verification is needed.

Add the forum layer on top and it is a no go, from my understanding.

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Ah, that makes sense, thank you for the explanation.

They are lying and posting for upvotes as redditors come to this forum and the lack of moderation here keeps those troll posts up.


Hang on. So can console owners post on PC forum?

I’ve seen your replies in another post I myself have posted in but that one is just a troll looking to gain notoriety or something. I actually hope that’s the case because the points made and arguments used to refute replies made are beyond ridiculous and have zero logic or basic understanding of argument framing/refuting. Just another kid/reddit lover using nonsensical buzzwords.

Agreed though, they appear to be just that.

They should be able to over in the Console Discussion Forum and Xbox Bug Report + PlayStation Bug Report and Technical Support fora. They will be locked out of the other subfora for Diablo 4 though.

Right this second? Yes. Anyone can post on the D4 PC forum.

Normally? No. You need a PC license to post.

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Because Blizzard has never by policy locked forum posting behind purchases outside of WoW and that’s because WoW is a subscription based game.

Not that it would matter at all. Come next week you will see plenty of complaints from people who purchased D4.

Because the server slam made it open for everyone. Obviously, they will lock it when D4 is launched.

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