Honest Question on the Tempering Debate

That’s the whole point, now we have almost empty stashes (unless keeping GA items for rolls for Alts)

The problem with Aspects was much worse than this, mainly cause it was a Chore/Routine (check if duplicate, check if higher roll or lower, check if already equipped, check if item you want to equip aspect on has already been imprinted)

This is much more of a nuance/niche issue (especially considering Temper manuals could and probably should drop less often than Legendaries on Helltide for ex.) - would also break the “routine” of gameplay if they’re intended for something else (say completing a higher Pit level guarantees a couple of these, NMDs on completion could have a 33% chance to drop one, and random Helltide events that aren’t Ritual have a 5% chance to drop some)

And by those I mean Legendary Tempering manuals (regulars and rares can drop almost say as 1/10 as often as an item would)

Well it’s a trade-off to have. Either have a routine-first (like predetermined by “pattern” gameplay, or have a more nuanced/enriched one but having to take a few more stops in town to double-check if something may have been amiss)

I think the latter is much better, (ofcourse there are nuances to this as well) but pretty sure you’d agree that the game is already too much Blood Maiden co-op rounds tbh (perhaps can dial down a bit on that)