Health Potion inhibitor in NM dungeon's 12 stacks?

That particular Nightmare affix use to be worse. It completely locks potion from being used. Even then, it wasn’t a major issue. Just don’t get hit.

If you’re worried about NMD sigil affixes I can tell you from personal experience in the PTR they were all removed and we only have 1 positive and 1 negative affix on sigils now. The negative affixes are just the base ones, like volcanic, stormbane, etc.

We’ll see if that holds true when the patch hits, but during the PTR it made them even easier.


Respect cant be demanded. Respect is earned my friend.


agreed. also there isnt a single difficult nmd affix. was waiting for someone else to say “get gud”

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i mean the “Get gud” part is obvious. OP claims that this affix hasnt existed a day before… so yea…

now granted, i personally avoid this affix myself, hence why i disenchant it :smiley:

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i personally only dust sigils of non tier s nmd’s. i dont care what the dungeon affixes are if its a good dungeon. no nmd affix is that bad.


I never said the devs don’t read them, I said they won’t reply to you which I guess is perhaps not totally true but the chances are very slim and when they do it’s never because someone demanded a reply.

As for how many forum posts I have when you reply to people a couple times in threads, like I am to you now, it adds up over time. While admittedly some of my posts are short and blunt and sometimes snarky my intention is never to be a troll.

Im no spring chicken either but how old you are means nothing, respect is earned. But I was not being disrespectful, you can choose to scrap a nightmare sigil if you don’t like the affixes it has. They are random so when you say “it was not there yesterday” that probably means you just have never rolled that affix before or didn’t notice it’s effects until now.

My third point still stands. The affixes are supposed to add a challenge to the game. Some people like a challenge so you demanding them remove one of those challenges effects more than yourself, especially when you could easily just not use that sigil. If you don’t like the challenging aspects of the game I’d rather you go play something else than continue to make demands that make the gameplay worse for the rest of us.


damn, i for sure hit a nerve there it seems.


Dont run the dungeons affix you dont like.

My worst one I cant stand is monsters explode on death. I hate it so much.

This one doesnt make my own list but I could see some ppl hating it. And yes it used to be much more punishing with no health for u!

Geezus…I think perhaps with all that experience on your worn out keyboard you could have made yourself clearer from the beginning…instead we got the “dementia meds wearing out, everyone can read minds” version of your, what ended up being, an uninformed missive.


I doubt it would go well if you did threaten them. Just a guess.

Actually it is dependant on tier and builds. Speed tiers is about 1 shot and some builds have strong enough CC and healing(Raiment Sorc/blood necro) that potions are useless.

Some affixes are annoying but dungeons would be sleep walking w/o them. It doesn’t matter what hrs you have played in other games, if you are troubled by negative affixed in a sleepwalking arpg like D4, unfortunately nothing can be commented other than get gud.

It’s only bad when there’s 100 ghosts with bows and arrows on the screen.

kid runs dungeon with affix he isnt good enough to run. immediately runs to forums to complain about affix, instead of “getting gud”. forum community tells child you can salvage and avoid bad affix. gets angry and lashes out because he thinks he is special snowflake. fails to “get gud”

summary complete


I love this. Its so weird to say like that. Ya all are babies is translation.


Back to the topic at hand, if there’s a sigil affix you don’t like then just salvage them. You’ll get materials to craft other sigils which might not have the same condition applied to it.

Personally the sigil I hate is “poison enchanted” and salvage those every single time. It’s not even because poison damage, it’s the long lasting puddles I dislike. Ugh they annoy me so.


Don’t like an affix. Salvage it, make another, move on. :slightly_smiling_face:

I apologize for my outburst please forgive my disrespectful actions. My Mistake ! Be well everyone !


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Yet they refuse to get rid of these turds no one likes.

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no need to excuse; i wouldnt even call that an outburst (these forums have seen outbursts, i can tell you :P). you were simply annoyed. happens to all of us ^^

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