Going Over PTR Feedback (for those not in the know)

Just a brief overview of some of the major concerns, from not just myself but other players.

  • :one: Veiled Crystal Costs - A big concern amongst the community, most feel they are too high (myself included)
    :two: Damage - Insane amounts across the board depending on the build
    :three: Class Concerns - Obviously everyone is worried about their class for various reasons
    :four: Uniques/Uber Uniques - Concerns about them feeling underpowered now compared to Tempered Legendaries
    :five: Damage Reduction - Or rather lack there of since it has been removed from Affixes (still shows up in paragon boards and on aspects)
    :six: Clarity - Either on tooltips, making specific dropped items (greater affixes) standing out more, or improving the UI of various systems
    :seven: Reduced Cinder Shard Rates In Helltides - Even with the increased density this can feel a little rough
    :eight: Dust Devil Barbs - We don’t care about the damage, just the visuals

There’s more of course, but I would say these are some of the major concerns I’ve been seeing on the PTR forums as well as in game of people talking.

For anyone interested I’ve made a lengthy feedback post on the PTR forums going over some of the issues I have with the changes at the current time. Just a personal opinion piece, feel free to disagree with any of my points, would happily debate experiences.

  1. crystals agree, easy to balance
  2. that’s what ptr is for, start high and balance lower, or start low and balance higher.
  3. class concerns are fair, but that’s what ptr is for, i hope
  4. i think that’s a good thing, because it means that u won’t need them to make builds work… gives you options.
  5. i’d like answer to this q… is it completely removed from game? i.e stats are not doing anything - or removed from loot table but work in game, i.e on some unique pants, chests, and paragon boards.
  6. clarity, agreed, a bit more would be better, same as making fav aspects easier to use
  7. i got over 1k in 40min, not the 3k i did before, but ill take that easily with souls, other mats dropping, vs just alot of steel.
  8. dust devil, agreed, lower the visuals by 5x, but i think they will be greatly nerfed too, which i am fine with, u shouldb’t be able to do t200 on day 1-2.
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Man at this point it hard to really care. I have not played in a long time, I was looking forward to season 4 on 4/16 but that is now into May. Gaming is at a funny point in my opinion. I am not even following what changes are in store, so I am full Guinea Pig here.


It still works, you can just never get the Affix “Reduced Damage” on any items or from Tempering Recipes. At least at the time of writing this, they may introduce it back due to the feedback. All of the Aspects that have DR and the Paragon Nodes are still working of course, there just isn’t a lot to choose from depending on your build.

Hilio has a nice breakdown of them. This is all you can get currently in the PTR right now for Paragon Board Nodes only (not aspects mind you). It’s not a lot.

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ya, but if u play eternal and want to use s3 armor or pants… u should be able to, as long as they work

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Which is why I think they’ll put DR back. Otherwise, Eternal/S3 items will be “the best” with damage reductions that can’t be found elsewhere.

Sounds like they need another 3 months.

I would totally give blizzard a pass for a season to get this done right.

Sounds like they are a bit far off and need to fix, PTR again before implementing.

i don’t know… new ones offer a lot of stats like 2.5k life, which becomes like 5k., lots of str, and other things… my guess they won’t do it.

Inaccurate summary. The only thing correct was the VC issue.

Would you like to elaborate or just tell me I’m wrong? I’m ok either way.


After playing a little more I realized why they took DR off most gear. It does still drop on uniques. Any unique that had it before will still have it. But with master working and greater affixes you could get insane levels of DR if it was on all gear. Now even with the uniques that have it you could still potentially get 30-40% DR from one item if the master works and greater affix procs on that affix.

In the early stages you don’t really need it. I was able to push level 50 in the pit just from the gear they provided with only master working to level 4 on about half the gear. The gear I got when I boosted was pretty crap too.

So you can realistically do all the old bosses, t100 NMD and 50-60 pit levels without any DR on your gear. While you’re doing all that you can then get those uniques upgraded to push further.


Recently finished 73 on my minion necro. Definitely felt the pain of not having DR though. Gear isn’t maxed out either and the only DR is from an aspect adding 20%. So all in all I’d say I did pretty well for myself.

I get your point though, if it was on a defensive tempering recipe, that would be Helms, Chests, Legs, Shields, and Amulets. Basically 4 guaranteed slots for DR for most classes and one extra for Necros. Depending on the amount given it could get to absurd levels.

If they limited it to 10% max though I feel that wouldn’t be horrible? Maybe too much with paragon and aspects? I’m not a number cruncher so not exactly sure how well that would work.

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I watched some streamers kill 200 pit bosses and not even dodge the Lilith waves and other boss stuff so DR probably sorts itself out over time.

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Something isn’t right with DR (on ptr) I feel. I currently have 20% (DR from Elites), 31.8% (DR from Close), 5.9% (DR from Bleeding), 16% (DR white Healthy), 4% (DR while Fortified).

78% + 25% (Iron Blood Legendary)

Still get destroyed. 1-shots a plenty.

(47k Health, 16k Armor, and max resists).

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DR is multiplicative, not additive.

Assuming all of these are active simultaneously:
1-[(1-0.20) * (1-0.318) * (1-0.059) * (1-0.16) * (1-0.04) * (1-0.25)]

1- [0.8 * 0.682 * 0.941 * 0.84 * 0.96 * 0.85]

1 - 0.3519 = 0.648

Or 64.8% DR. That’s with everything you listed being active simultaneously.


64.8% DR seems great but is Challenging Shout multiplicative with this as well? Gaining 40% from that feels it should still be plenty with 16k Armor (and 85% physical dam reduction from that) plus health and max resistance and yet still way too many 1 shots. How does all that math work with all that? (I suck at math)

Fantastic and good to know. Thank you!

There is a hard cap on DR, isn’t there? I keep remembering 80% for some reason but I’m probably mistaken.

[edit: I should probably pick up Challenging Shout, hum…]