Ghost Town Here

well, you talk about people you know?

Finished the battle pass, got to wt4 and the world boss died in one second before I could even use a single attack. There is no end game so what’s the point? Farm mats to fight a boss to get gear to do what with it? Farm the boss more? Not interested in spending more time on these joke servers that still rubber band.

Season has been out over a week.

Takes less than a week to complete everything, so people are already playing a different game. It’s just a choice of what week you decide to play in the 3 month season.

They charge that price because enough people are willing to pay it. That how business works. It has nothing to do with your idea of fairness. They feel the value of that product is $25 to $30 dollars and players are confirming that by buying them. If players weren’t buying them, they would either lower the cost or just close the shop.

And the only reason you got Red Dead Redemption 2 for $19 is because it is a six year old game. It wasn’t $19 dollars back when it came out. I’ve never played the game, but from what I have read, it is not an online game that has constant new updates like D4. It doesn’t have seasons and it doesn’t require constant maintenance like D4. The company released it and then moved on. BIG difference. If they ever decide to do a content update for that game, it will not be free. When Red Dead Redemption 3 comes out, it will not be $19.

A better comparison would be POE. POE is a FTP game with a cash shop. The cash shop is what funds the game and keeps it going. WOW is an online game with constant updates and it has a monthly fee. If Red Dead Redemption 3 becomes a living online game like the above mentioned, it too will have a seasonal pass or cash shop. Any online game that requires constant updates needs a funding source of some kind to keep it going. That’s just the nature of the beast.

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Another tourist. You might as well join with those who just left.

If you play more, you would realize the real season starts after the campaign.

  • new respec feature
  • awesome search filter feature on the stash
  • all the Seneschal pet S3 feature … i can make all mobs vulnerable through it
  • Construct farm like the Vampire farm
  • NM Vault dungeons which is 5x better than NM dungeons
  • non-stop Helltide availability
  • new Uniques including my current favorite, the Mutilator
  • loots at NM100 are all 925s… im looking forward on it.
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BG3 really was an epic adventure.

Rip D4, many of our hopes for a great blizzard title were crushed by the weight of mtx, layoffs and the corporate machine.


Try NM100. Stop playing kids difficulty. Try to beat all the Seasonal Chapters including the last chapter.

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There will people who will literally refuse, because they enjoy X, Y & Z aspects of D4 and have fun = everyone else needs to just be quiet, not complain, go play another game, don’t play, etc.

Guess what buttercups? Good job, people left. So now we have this ghost town, barely full of anyone who cares if the game gets better or worse at this point. I can’t speak for everyone, but I feel super burnt on Diablo, and by association, Blizzard/Activision/Microshaft. Until I get my money’s worth in this game, that never should have been made.

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I still care. I stopped making much content anymore as its clear it means nothing but i still try sometimes.

Table of Contents
x1. Improvements, Fixes, QoL = 30 Improvements, Fixes, QoL
x2. Calendar = Calendar System Makes Happy Eyeballs 👁
x3. Companion App = Diablo 4 Mobile Companion App
x4. Paragon Stones = Paragon Stones give spinach muscled arms!
x5. Obol Vendor = Obol Vendor becomes a conglomerate!
x6. Build Safezone = Build your own Safezone and gain bonuses with components!
x7. FLEX = NEW FLEX affix is approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger
x8. Shrines = Expanded Shrine System gives better mojo ⛪
x9. Set Items = Set items get Deckard Cain to stay awhile and listen
x10. Treasure Gremlin = Treasure Gremlins are pregnant with goblins!
x11. Empowerment Levels = Empowerment levels gives players purpose at LV 100!
x12. Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
x13. ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
x14. Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!
x15. Legendry Glyphs = Legendary Glyphs make pp into PP
x16. New Helltides = This Updated Helltide system has chance for hell to freeze over. 👿
x17. Eternal Game Modes = NEW Eternal Game Modes are a spicy meatball! 🧆
x18. Events = Event Rarity Makes People Borat I am Excite! 💖
x19. Primals = Octimus Primals! 🕗
x20. Crafting = Why did you Make like a Crafting Skill Tree and 🥬 this out!
x21. Reputation Crafters = Reputation Vendors / Crafters are a Hikaru Juicer 🧃
x22. Gems = He went to Jared to get this Gems upgrade! 💎
x23. Upgraded Occultist = Improved Occultist covets your gems and is not Adam Sandler
x24. Nexus = Live long and prosper with Nexus. New content for high level players. 🖖
x25. Sage Vendor = The NEW Sage Vendor turns your duds into thuds! 😱
x26. DPS dummies = We Need some Mmmm Crash Test Dummies 🪆
x27. Blessing Vendor = Bless me Vendor for I want to sin. 🙅‍♂️
x28. Hero Variants = By the Power of Greyskull here are Powerful Hero Variants! 💀
x29. Pets = Get a Pet save your mouse clickies! 🐇
x30. Shoulder Gear Slot = NEW Shoulder Slot = 😍
x31. Earring Gear Slot = New 👂 ring Slot = Hear me Roar with approval
x32. Affinity = 3 NEW Affinity Types give players more choices in powering up. 🤔
x33. NEW Gear Affixes = 20 NEW Affixes. PLEASE comment even if you no like. 🤔 - #23 by Urza-1177
x34. NEW Goblins = Goblins Two.oh! 👺

Mount Racing = Mount Racing. Get your hoof on! 🏇
Unique Enchanting = IDEA - Unique Enchanting! 🦄
Region Economic Buffs = IDEA - Region Economic Buffs. 🦾
Top 20 Helltide Improvements = TOP 20 Helltide Improvements 🎩
10 New Affixes = Bonus 5th Affixes (10 total) make you go wut in the wut wut!? 😕
50 Omega Tips = The 50 Omega Tips Thread (Many for new players) 💁‍♂️
AoZ fixes and ideas = Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal 🩸
Season 2 Review = The Season 2 Comprehensive Review 👨‍🏫
S2 To eternal or not to eternal = S2 To Eternal or not to Eternal. That is the question. ❔
Owner of a Malignant Heart = Owner of a Malignant Heart! 🖤
The Bone Thrall Ballista Thread = The Bone Thrall Ballista 3 Emoji Thread 🏹
Top 10 Joke Patch Notes Dec 2023 = Top 10 D4 Joke Patch Notes Dec 2023 😜
Top 10 Joke Patch Notes JAN 2023 = TOP 10 Joke Patch Notes for JAN 2024 🤪
Potion Thread = The Toil Trouble Cauldron Bubble Potion Thread 🧴
S3 Reloaded = Season 3 reloaded. Vaults redesigned. 🔃
10 Elephants = Addressing the 10 Elephants in the Room 🐘
Steel chest solution =

Actual Blue posts in these some 60 posts → 0 :sob:


For your troubles, Urza, since Blizzard won’t give you any. :cookie:


No one wants to come here to have a serious discussion when all people do is call them trolls or shill. You jerks got what you wanted… a cesspool of hate.

Welcome to the interwebz.


Sad but true. Sad but true.

If they gave us what we want we would put down the pitchforks…More interesting ways to build your class, more class diversity, a better loot system.

The classes themselves are just too damn boring there is just so little skill choice.

Last epoch I have hundreds of ways to build just one skill. Diablo 4 Gives you a grand total of 2 ways to spend your skill point on a skill.

The core class trees are basically mobile phone game level depth.

Diablo 4 Classes are just not engaging enough to keep the playerbase…thus Ghost Town.

The real travesty here is that D3 is better and its so old. They couldnt even match D3 complexity and choice. From 6 choices per skill with runes to 2. Its 2023-2024 and this is the best you can do???


I can’t but my finger on it, but I think it has something to do with the dungeons. They spent a lot of time on the overworld and it shows. But compared to Diablo 2, when you’re entering the monastery and then the catacombs. Or any of the final areas leading up to a boss. This game really doesn’t incorporate static boss like areas, that have a different feel to the rest of the game.

I also miss the days of rushing through a labyrinth, to find the boss. Every single dungeon comprises the same mechanic, “find or kill something to progress further”. It turns the whole repetitive nature of the game into a chore.

And without a party finder, it makes the experience feel even more like a chore. At the bare minimum, like overworld events, maybe they could do something similar with Nightmare dungeons. Mark the map with a countdown timer and have people meet up at its entrance to automatically form a party…

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Yeah, this is a really big part of it for me to be sure. Doing higher NM dungeons doesn’t solve this simple yet mind numbing task (or rather doesn’t make it more exciting).

THIS. Im with you man.

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Yep, this game is so shallow.

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Try a better game instead this ones :yawning_face: