Getting only gear drops way below my own level level 8 at level 17 :(

if its ur own lvl it will be d3

Considering the game has level scaling, I don’t see how we could not just start at level 50 with the 48 skill points :smiley:


It not being impatient to be level 25 and have level 13 gear like I did during the betas. Our gear should be around 5 levels of our current level when it drops.

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This has iirked me as well.

The RnG vendor selling req lvl 28 to a level 40


Eh my gear is just fine at 35. Just because the level required is low does not mean the gear is bad.

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It’s not being impatient it’s I’m 27 getting lvl 14 gear drops. At the min at 27 should be 24-25 or even sometimes normally could see one lvl higher than you but not on this… creates spongy monsters and you take a lot of damage

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I really don’t get why, when every gear that shows up is around 8 levels required below theirs, that people don’t realize required level is not the level of the gear. Helltides are around 7 levels higher than you and would have unusable gear if they dropped with the level requirement being the level of the monster

That is exactly what that means if you are lvl 15 with a piece of gear required level to wear 15 and your just getting that at lvl 26-28 that’s a problem… thay piece of gear is lvl 15 been that way in basically every rpg not just mmorpg…lvl 50gear in wow, eso, ffo, Tera, never winter, so many more I’ve played you get when your lvl 50 from lvl 50 monsters. I should have to attempt fighting lvl 36 monster at lvl 27 to get lvl appropriate gear…

quit crying once u get to lvl 50 and unlock world tier 3 u will get sacred items which is lvl bound

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Wait until you gamble with obols at lvl30-40 and you’re getting lvl15-20 items lol.


im lvl 52 sacred items will drop in tier 3 those are good and in tier 4 there are even better ancestral items

I thought I was having the same concern on this as y’all but the more i played around with blacksmith, upgrades and extractions, the more i realized blizz is really relying on you to upgrade and cater the things to what you want or close to what you want. when you make it to T3 the sacred items will drop at your level but some will look like it doesn’t do anything for you at all and I think that’s where we are stuck at - that we expect the drops from the get go to outshine everything we have on. pick up all the mats, find a balance between selling and scrapping items and you’ll have enough to do upgrades on items that will blow your older pieces away. They get some good bonuses for sure when fully upgraded so just get to t3, play with the system a lot there then when you get to t4 you’ll have a better idea of what ancestral gear is worth upgrading and keeping around.

yes so impatient getting loot on the level they are currently at and the level of the mobs they are currently killing. what an illusory view of fun

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I’m averaging 1 legendary drop every 12 lvls lmao! Everyone’s swimming in legendaries yet I’ve had three drop in 36 lvls (minus the free amulet) lol!

just did the quest for the whisper tree level 52
could select onehand,twohand or amulett chest.
picked the twohand chest and got a level 44 legendary way worse then my rare staff.

srsly this “rewarding” suck big balls. stop the stupid level range on this stuff.
this should by at least on my level.
Stop stretching gameplay with this kind of bullsh**

do they really think this is fun gameplay and i do it over and over again to be lucky at least get something on my level?


Fellas I may be wrong about this but it really seems like the gear requirement is not the level of the gear. Until sacred and ancestral start dropping, gear requirement is usually 10 or so levels below your level which is why when gambling with obols the non sacred gear is roughly 10 levels below. It just seems like a normal feature of the game to me not anything to get frustrated about. The reason sacred gear is usually so much better is because to start with it’s also far higher level than the normal gear you probably have at the time (aside from also having extra stats and things).

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I would be looking at the ilvl of the items instead of the level required for you to wear it. Many items I used up until WT3 at lvl 49 were well below my “lvl” however the rolled stats and affixes fitted well with the build I was trying to bring into fruition. I cant say that all the gear was always lower or not as to be fair I think i very rarely even looked in the bottom right hand corner of the tooltip as It did not seem ot be important.

I turned on Advanced tool tips tap shift and looked rather and what i was losing and what i was gaining and made decesions off that .

Maybe im being crazy

You’re not at all this is probably the most logical way to go about things. I mean people in tier 4 still use some low level gear for this reason.

Im not looking at req lvl but everything i pick up is lower in every other way also . Lower power lvl lower armour. Would be nice to get better sometimes lol

Btw, this becomes better at WT3.

Then you have a chance to get sacred legendaries that will be for your level.

When i was 55 i got req level 55 for example.