Game isn't ready delay it

In the Emotes wheels, one of the options is to request a PvP engagement. So, at the very least, (consensual) Duels will be possible.

if one is soooo allergic to imperfection, one is free to themself post-pone jumping in. don´t poop on the party of many in need of distraction from the current garbage state of reality.

We could do that or we could stalk these forums and play the game at the same time giving feedback for the next two years.

You couldn’t even get a QA tester to be that devoted for free.

I’d rather them work on it the next few months and release it as planned. They can work on larger things while we are playing the non-season launch.

I don’t agree with that. I’ve only played the druid and necro during the beta and god the gap between them is huge. I’ve facerolled almost everything with the necro and many builds were viable and fun, while everything with druid felt like a stretch and the skill upgrades never felt too substantial or fun, especially for shapeshifting builds.

Many people might be in this for the late game, but everyone will still have to spent I’m guessing 15-20 hours going through the main content at least once. The casuals who’ll quit after the main storyline + a few hours of end-game also shouldn’t be condemned to significantly weaker melee builds during their maybe only playthrough. I wouldn’t say that being able to faceroll through everything no matter what build you go on necro (and apparently sorc) isn’t great either.

Grinding god tier loot is the replay. That’s the game.

Just wait until this game has nothing fun to do at the end AND the gear grind is heavily limited. Ladders will be completely dead by week 2 of reset.

Enjoy your lost ark MMO bro.

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Yeah this is what I’m worried about. If it’s just beat world tier boss and you have super loot after how ever long it takes the average person I guess we just reroll?

I can imagine they have plans for more content and/or a new world tier as well. If it is a very similar approach to lost ark then they’ll just introduce a new gated difficulty you have to beat again. And I would not be surprised if world bosses or some mega boss fights like in LA become a thing to do in order to progress.

“We haven’t seen how janky the end game is yet”

Yet you prejudge it in the sentence calling it janky, which just shows how negative you are.

just out of curiosity, are you asking because you want to learn, or because you want to argue? from the looks of it, you want to argue, but you need to know what you’re talking about to be able to argue, and after reading your post, I can see you don’t really know anything about software development, so nah, no thanks.

if, on the other hand, you want to learn, here are some books you need to read before we can talk about why this software project needs to be delayed:

  • Accelerate (Forsgren, 2018)
  • Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Feathers, 2004)
  • Refactoring (Fowler, 1999)
  • Design Patterns (GoF, 1994)
  • Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests (Freeman, 2009)

Accelerate is the most important one to understand why this needs to be delayed. The rest would give any software developer a general sense of what to do with legacy code, which I can say with 90% certainty this code is.

After you’re done with those books (or at least the first three), you’ll be well on your way to understanding why this software project needs to be delayed

I recant my views saying it should be delayed.
It’s actually ready, assuming the end game content is solid.
Here are my final thoughts on the game: This is a solid Diablo and theme park MMO. Ready for release IMO

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It’s missing key systems like LFG, too many anti-social aspects in the game. No one even used local chat during beta and there will be little communication since many will be playing with a gamepad with no way to communicate in chat lol.

I’m not arguing :slight_smile: You are! And I’m not so insecure as to spout off books I’ve read, but if that floats your boat go right ahead. YOU are saying you’ re software developer as if it means something when talking about a game you’re not involved in. The internet is inflating everybody’s self importance these days.

To the point - why exactly should this project be delayed. Concrete, detailed reasons. This and every forum is about discussion and sharing opinion. Maybe everybody will learn something if you and everybody else that says “this sucks, delay it” share the reasons why. Otherwise it’s just an opinion without anything else to back it up. That said everybody is entitled to their opinion, but arguing without a properly formulated point is … Well… Pointless.

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I’m not arguing. won’t argue with someone who won’t understand what I’m talking about ;). you wouldn’t argue with a toddler about why they shouldn’t eat sweets now, would you?

Yall know that you can do anything you want in this game right? your own unique builds, play style, etc… I was watching different variety of youtubes, i laughed my butt off because they have no idea what they are talking about, i’m an expert gamer since 1997, i know a lot of unique tricks stuff more than all the youtubers, all those youtuber people are living in 2015 era, im from 1997 era.

1 more. it only has 1 more weapon over a rogue.

i met 2 other players using local chat. the problem is local chat isnt the whole area. its just a small area around your character. A lot of people playing this game are already mad because they dont have an option to not see other players and you think an LFG is needed? lol good luck with that. As for the game pad thing. yeah, guess they better plug in some keyboards? there is an in game voice chat system though apparently.

A LFG system is optional tho

Sorry, most of your points are moot because of several things:

  1. this was an old build: 0.8.something, we don’t know how things have changed for 1.0.
  2. we were able to play to level 25, far from endgame. There is an endgame, we just haven’t seen it.
  3. Necro is fun next question.
  4. Well I see some of these are aesthetic objections, so that’s just opinion.

And up to 3 more over any other class.

does druid only have 1 slot?