Game is hitching and sometimes sound even stops for a second

Or disable the swap file completely, as I have done.

I don’t use one. I haven’t had a swap file enabled on my systems for over a decade now. But those systems have all had 32GB or more of memory. I would not recommend this on a system with less than that.

Having multiple swap files is not a solution. In fact that can lead to issues.

If anything, I would simply have a small sized one set on the fastest drive in the system, and leave it at that… Hopefully the fastest drive is also the one with the OS installed.

The only reason you need a swap file, is to make sure some of the log files are captured in the event of a crash, and to allow some room for memory issues if you don’t have a lot of RAM, or for compatibility reasons for some applications that require you to have a swap file enabled.

But as I said, I haven’t needed one for years. And I don’t suffer from any complications as a result of that choice either.

But sure, swap file settings might be causing some of you issues. And it could be one more reason why mine doesn’t have issues.


Here is a link to my full setup, with all the different settings that might affect the game:

-Full breakdown of a system that plays Diablo IV without problems: