As a dedicated Barbarian player who enjoys the Frenzy skill, I would like to propose to the devs to raise the attack speed cap on Frenzy from 60% to 80%. In addition, double the duration from 3 seconds to 6 seconds.
These changes would strengthen the flavor of the skill while also making it more appealing for endgame content. Plus, its very annoying how fast it falls off and needs to last longer.
Thanks for consideration!
Plus one for sure!
Frenzy duration is entirely to short. It makes the skill so finicky to use (unless your going for Frenzy as your main attack). Being required to temper for it to feel even 1/2 decent feels bad. Either raise the floor on the base skill or raise the ceiling on the temper to a point where it actually feels good to give up the temper slot for it.
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Frenzy’s attack speed buff belongs to attack speed cap 2. With additional 30%+ Basic attack speed on a decent Shard of Verathiel you should be already near the attack speed cap.
Increasing the attack speed buff from 60% to 80% won’t help much.
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There’s a lot of things that need to happen in order to make Frenzy viable:
- The attack speed bonus needs to be global.
- Stacks need to fall off 1 by 1, not all at once
- Base damage needs to be increased
- Enhanced Frenzy should give movement speed and damage reduction
- Battle Frenzy should apply 100% of your thorns on hit
- Combat Frenzy should give multiplicative crit damage
- The Battle Trance multiplier needs to be significantly higher (150-200%) and the secondary should give cooldown reduction
- There needs to be a way to add splash damage
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But only if your using a shard. Which makes Frenzy only useful for a frenzy build. If that where the desired case than just remove the duration all together, beef up the skill a bit, and put the buff into the base skill.
The reason that the skill by itself is so weak, and the reason that there is a duration, is so that it becomes useful for other builds without making it to powerful. But the duration so short that other builds struggle to keep it up.
They need to do one or the other. Not straddle a bad line between the two.
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If Paingorgers worked differently for each class, they could just have the Unique Aspect grant all Basic Skills a Cleave with a multiplicative damage bonus.
Get rid of Bash Cleave and make the Temper something different.
Paingorgers aren’t even BiS for Frenzy. If they replaced stun with crit and made all basics cleave, they would be.
It would be really nice if Frenzy got a way to play with/trigger Overpowers. Overpower based Barbs are pretty much stuck to only using 2H Bash which is really, really limiting especially if you want to use Weapon Swap builds.
That’s an interesting idra, but think extending frenzy duration is far more important.