For people who play D4 (complainers need not answer)

I’d like to get more cosmetics for being rank 1 and not a poster.

How is renameing the world tiers make the game better? :laughing:

They are allready looking into this. Well might take a few reminders from us, but they know people want this.

Nr1: More social features. Group finder etc.

Nr2: I hope they change the outer world to have fixed lvl zones (zone1 = lvl 10-20, zone2 = lvl 20-30 etc), and not make them lvl with your character.
But add a feature where every zone can have an outbreak/invasion or somthing and it will increase in lvl and still have purpose at max lvl.

With this change i also hope they give items fixed itemlevels/equiplevels, and make many low and mid level legenday/unique items have certain niche uses even at max level. This will give people a reason to go to lower lvl zones again to hunt certain items for specific niche builds at end game (this gives item hunting an extra boost as an end game activity). And ofcourse you could be lucky and already get some of these items while leveling up.

An expanded skill tree with options that are actually more interesting and fun to play. Each skill might have 2 options, however in most cases one option is vastly superior so that is all everyone plays. Add new skills plus another 2 options to each skill type.

Uniques that are actually transformative and do more than simply add raw stats or power. When you equip most of these items you generally only see bigger numbers on your screen and it lacks any real flavour or visual differences in the game play. Sure you might press one button more often to retain a buff, but that’s not really defining or transformative. 37 flavours to choose from and they are all vanilla.

Speaking of vanilla, way back before launch there was a promise of over 150 unique dungeons and bosses. Is there any plan to actually fulfill this promise? Slapping a different tile set on the floors, different skin on the walls and swapping red ghosts for green ghosts and goatmen for cultists is not my idea of unique at all. Thankfully we get one of a handful of bosses at the end (sarcasm) in the form of tomb lord, khazra abomination, and if you are lucky maybe a sea hag or den mother. There is also that annoying bug that shows up a couple of times that gets renamed for helltides that everyone skips.

Lets start with those things first :arrow_up:

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need an in-game chat feature, especially a general chat. Surprised blizzard forgot how to do this in 2024

no thx, it’ll just become another trade channel that i left the moment i started the game. leave /1