Season 5 PTR & More

Season 4 was a great start to making D4 better. However, I believe there is still much that needs to be changed or added to the game to make it more fun than it is. Here are my thoughts on S5’s changes, and what could be better.

Helltides - I enjoy that the Helltide’s are being worked on even though they were already fun, being able to get uber uniques even at a low chance makes it more thrilling when opening a chest. The whispers are easier to obtain in the Helltide and that makes Helltide more rewarding. It would be cool to see more new events added in the future.

Endgame Bosses - The altar respawning is one of the changes I was most excited for in season 5, it is hard to go back to the live game in season 4 and play without it. For me it has bugged out a couple times and taken my summoning materials, requiring me to restart the dungeon anyway. I believe it happens when companions (From druid and necro) are where the altar is when it comes back, sometimes if I’m where it should be as well. I didn’t like the previous changes to the bosses Health, I still don’t like them being weaker than they were. One thing that I believe would make bossing better is having the ability to Teleport to the boss locations. Other endgame content is getting this feature, and the pit is directly next to a waypoint. I would like to see a 3rd harder variant of endgame bosses in the future, one for people who are looking for more of a challenge, that you need more skill to take on.

The Pit - The pit was exciting to me at first, until I realized at one point its useless to push higher than 80-100. Seeing something more get added before season 5-6’s launch to make that experience better when pushing 100+ pit tiers would make it better.

Infernal Hoardes - I have personally not enjoyed the new endgame content as much as I thought I would when watching the campfire chat. It is amazing to see diablo adding more endgame content, as it’s needed but something about it makes it less enjoyable than anything else. I feel like there isn’t enough Aether. I think there could be more events and better boons and banes. When I think about waves in D4 Endgame, I was hoping for more enemies, that increasingly get stronger on their own as you fought them off, after a certain amount of waves a boss would spawn, but it would continue until you died or selected to quit. Based off the amount of time you survived, how much you killed, what level they got to, etc. it would grant you increasingly better rewards, if you died whatever you had done would be cut in half at the point you had died. Its more risk and more reward, which I believe this game lacks.

Druid - I myself am not a druid player but I had to test the druid “buffs”, I am still going to try new things out but as of now, the druid still doesn’t seem like it’s in the position it should be. Necro Minions have a better AI now, but druid’s companions seem lackluster at best. The companion damage is great, bossing is easy with them but beyond that, for the Wolves their AI as well as AOE is too bad for loads of enemies. The core skills either don’t have enough damage or feel more clunky than they do fluent. Still testing a couple builds and new items.

Sorcerer - Sorcerer’s are normally one of my favorite thing’s to play in a lot of fantasy games, although the sorcerer in D4 isn’t much fun. Flame Shield needed a nerf, I’m glad it was nerfed, but sorcerer is very squishy and doesn’t do enough damage to make up for that, you have to sacrifice either damage or survivability and even when you do, neither damage or survivability is as high as other classes in the game.

Items - This is one of the things added to the game that I enjoy, I believe the game is still far off from having the ideal number of items in it and I would like to see more in the future, including more rarities of items. Set gear? Uber Set gear? A stronger more rare “Hellbound” gear that you can only wear 1 of at a time? I don’t like the idea of set gear as strong and ridiculous as D3’s set gear but a 2-3 Set effect that helps or does something different would be awesome.

Things I believe could be added, changed or better in general

  • Better goblins, the goblins during the event in season 4 were way better than the goblins are now, even if you add more legendary drop rates to them I don’t think they will be what they should be. Adding different kinds of goblins would give more dopamine to players, when you hear that goblin and you don’t know which one it is, it makes you excited to look for it. There could be material goblins, endgame goblins that drop pit materials, entries to Infernal hoards, cosmetic goblins, portal goblins and more.

  • Cosmetic changes, I think the shop is great, although having more to earn in game would make me and others play more, I don’t enjoy horses dropping from the bosses or in a helltide chest, I would enjoy it more if it was rare in another place, or from a cosmetic goblin, I think the potential D4 has for these cosmetic options is amazing. There are now pets, they opened up mounts of different kinds, transmogs, wings, backblings of all kinds, titles, etc. I don’t know about you but running into a goblin that drops these types of cosmetics and maybe having a rarity on the cosmetics that drop would be amazing, it would give you the dopamine this game needs, seeing someone ride around on a UBER GORILLA for example and wanting something like it for yourself, seeing a mount or pet drop in purple because of how rare it is would fill my day with joy. There is too much potential there not to capitalize on it.

  • Cow level and things alike? I thought this would already exist in the game by now but I guess I was wrong, it doesn’t have the be the same but something that’s enjoyable and different is needed in this game.

  • More endgame, what can I say I love having something to do post level 100. It’s pretty easy to get there now so more stuff to do when I am there is always needed. Fun endgame, Hard endgame, all of it really. I’d like a challenge here and there on top of the relaxing ways to play.

  • More items, yeah I think this is pretty obvious but more diversity in builds is the best. Like I mentioned above, having new types of items would be cool as well, set gear in between Unique’s and Ubers to find Uber set gear to hunt a couple 2 pairs of, a really rare kind that drops in red that’s really strong and you can only wear 1 of, I refer to as “Hellbound”. Set gear is green, Uber set gear is a mix of purple/green beam and in inventory, hellbound is red. More dopamine on the arpg item finding.

  • Other ways to get stronger post 100 other than GA/Uber hunting and Masterworking? A progression system of some kind that makes you feel like you are going somewhere or gives you a goal is needed post 100. There isn’t much to do when you get there right now. I would enjoy seeing a different kind of skill point for example, one that furthers your skill board to change the functionality of the skills that exist. Maybe other ways to improve your time, 2x angelbreath drops, 50% more gold, etc. in the form of upgrades, it could be a board where you choose damage, stats, or QOL item gains/Material boost percentiles that you have to choose wisely becuase you don’t get enough of the points to go all routes and have it all.

  • More bosses, Harder bosses, Fun bosses, etc.

  • More map interaction, it’s a large map, it can use some. This can be as silly as being able to pet every wandering animal, animals in town like the cats you may find, challenges to unlock when doing so. (pet 1 of every type)

  • A side quest location in collections. Often everyone I know just looks up the side quests when they want to complete them all or go through some for renown. Sometimes you don’t remember if you did that one or not when you see the location on the internet, it takes a lot of time to find them all yourself as well. A place that gives you all the side quest names, maybe a rundown of what you’ll be doing so you can choose what you want to do, it shows you what you’ve completed and haven’t, where they are located to start it. This is QOL, helps people to not get stuck doing something they wouldn’t enjoy in the name of renown and gives completionists an easier time.

  • Lilith and other bosses in the future that may be alike. I Loved the Lilith fight, it was the most enjoyable fight in the game. When I beat her, I was happy and felt a since of accomplishment just to be rewarded with 2 crappy legendries. I get that this is most likely because you can fight her without using materials and if she dropped items anywhere near other endgame bosses, everyone would farm her because it costs you nothing but finding a way around this would be amazing. I don’t want Mephisto and future, fun thought out bosses alike to be dropping nothing. That is underwhelming.

  • Druid and Sorcerer Reworks, at this rate I think it’s best to completely change half of what’s going on to these classes, when more skills are added to the game, I don’t think those should be the time where they are good, a power creep making the rest of their skills useless, no I’m good. The skills that exist now, don’t just need to be buffed, some need to be less clunky, AI can change, AOEs, time of cast, looks, etc.

  • Please give us a sell all option in the shops, I hate having to sell all items 1 by 1, it takes too much time when I want to be slaying demons. I also wanted to mention it’s weird to have these shops in the game that have 1-4 items of rare or magic rarity that costs 400-900k It would be cool to see them updated, have them decrease in price and throw some legendary chances in, I know this isn’t where we would like to see power come from but it would be awesome to open the shop and see a legendary that might have what I want on it at the time.

  • Stash, I think the stash needs a good update, it could be a lot better. More stash tabs would be nice, I know you may not want people to think they need to hoard everything, but I and many others love hoarding. An option to “Move all” to stash would be nice, to accommodate where they go, under “stash edit” you could give the ability to put filters on stash tabs (mythic unique, unique, legendary, sigils, consumables, etc.) and if you “move all” your inventory will be put in where it needs to be if you have the space to do so. You could put any number of the filters on a tab, so I could mix where my consumables and boss materials go for example. Another QOL to the stash is to have it open on the tab I was last at and not constantly on the first.

  • World bosses need a cool feature, I see a world boss spawn after the world boss sometimes, it’s harder, but drops nothing. I’m confused on why that is.

I have a lot more I could say I wanted in the game but overall, this would make the experience a lot more enjoyable throughout every moment of the game. Some changes need to be made and I believe some of it is being worked on, I just hope nothing becomes worse and that we get to see more out of this game. It has so much potential and I’m hoping for the best!!