Final PTR feedback v2.0 - Top 16 needed changes to guarantee S4 is a success

Let me get this straight…

“Make everything harder” while also “Remove things that kill me.”

Yeah, makes since.

If you’re dying to stuff, then the difficulty is sufficient and doesn’t need to be boosted.

What you’re basically saying is, “Give me long fights where I can’t die.”

Agree with most of the above improvements.

When defeating an Uber boss without an Uber item drop, it will drop 1 Resplendent Spark. And you can exchange 200 Resplendent Spark for 1 Uber Unique Items.

Grim Favors capacity needs to be unlimited. Players can exchange anytime they want.

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THIS would be my #1 quality of life upgrade. It’s impossible balancing the speed running of guantlets vs. needing survivability during high tier NMDs and I absolutely refuse to fully respec multiple times a day based on what I need to farm. Charge me gold for it, fine, but save it so I don’t have to manually click 225 paragon points. It’s crap.


So, I didn’t get to test upper pit tiers and I don’t know if you did, but OP’s feedback about the difficulty balancing in late endgame is pretty consistent with most I saw.

In my understanding, the biggest issues are -

  1. people reached lvl 200 pretty quickly, and were able to take down the lvl 200 bosses, all within the one week, and not necessarily with a ton of challenge.
  2. There was also no increased reward for doing so. The pit didn’t drop better gear, give any type of cosmetics or title or achievement, etc. same with the torment bosses. They gave exactly 5x the drops but they cost 5x the mats to summon - but actually, the four like Varshan that also drop a mat to summon Duriel or Andariel, their torment versions still only dropped 1 (correct me if I’m wrong). So it was actually worse running those fights for drops than the Uber versions despite them being way harder.
  3. The only real “challenge” that anything that high level posed were poison and I think shadow damage where even when fully maxed out defense and resistances, they one shot, even when nothing else comes that close. It makes it like, the kind of thing you can’t even do anything about. The poison dots were so strong that one tick would kill someone before they even could heal or flame shield/blood mist. It was completely out of balance with all other enemies damage, despite the enemies still being relatively easy. AoZ, by comparison, took a few weeks for the world first completion, from people starting out with fully maxed builds, not just some lvl 100 starter legendary starter gear.

It all just needs some balancing and compression. More challenging enemies and content, even if that means increasing their hp (bc many builds do crazy dmg now) and all their other damages a bit more while cutting down the unavoidable one shots from certain elemental damages. Maybe add a new type of elixir or upgraded one that increases the max res by like, an extra 10-15 or something, so that people have to pop at least one per run to survive certain enemies, I don’t know. But currently it’s the same kind of BS with the Lilith fight, it just feels gimmicky and stupid. Like it’s a really cheap way to make something “challenging.”

  1. That’s because item drop frequency was buffed and you could get unlimited mats for Masterworking by making new character, boosting them to 100 then delete and repeat until you had as many as you wanted. And also, I’m thinking there’s going to be some nerfs to the over-the-top items like the Frozen Orb Unique.

  2. We don’t know that for certain, because again, drop chances were enhanced so of course there wasn’t a difference between low level Pits and the upper levels.

  3. And again, it was a PTR and everything is going to be adjusted, almost certainly the items and Masterworking option that made all that content “too easy”.

Yeah I mean, all of that was definitely a factor, but I 100% think it has the potential to be a very fun end game progression system that I hope will still take (me at least) more than a couple weeks to fully beat, and that there’s still incentive for doing so like I would love a seasonal Pit set or some unique rewards like marking, title, platinum, mount armor, mayhe even a buff that lasts for the duration of the season that makes your character or mount glow to show off that you beat it.

Stuff like that will keep people hooked and pushing themselves. They’ll be mad if it’s too easy, they’ll be mad if it’s too hard. And difficulty shouldn’t come from gimmicky one-shots. It’s the same thing as a cheap jump-scare movie and calling it horror.

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Hopefull it will be implemented soon. They already said it’s on their radar!

Dear Blizzard Devs:

While i agree with (not many but) some ideas from this post - i hope that you will ignore posts like these. I sincerely hope you do.

You are finally doing your own thing and going in the direction of “defining and creating your own style”.

Please. Do NOT listen to a single streamer. They are your biggest problem.

(and for those people that dont get what i am talking about, let me put it like this:

You pay 70 or 100 $/€ for this game… Then you are watching a streamer. He is then taking away your gaming experience, for which you PAID, to make his own money.

And then you end up in the forum or on reddit or wherever just to complain that there is no endgame. Because technically - somebody else played the game for you.)

Again: I implore you - do NOT listen to any streamer. Create your own game.
Thank you.

Yikes, you take the cup for the most clueless and cringe reply on these forums

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Blizzard is listening to feedback

Is OP a streamer? Didn’t know, don’t care. Not sure why you’d bring that up regarding a legit feedback post from someone who obviously tested the PTR thoroughly and is only giving their opinion on a wide assortment of issues – not to build hype or generate profit, but bc Blizzard hosted a PTR specifically for testing and feedback from players to help catch bugs and refine as many points as possible before release. 95% of it was already created, this was the polish.

Sure I agree with you about how Blizz shouldn’t listen to the flavor of the month streamers who just bounce from title to title with clickbait hate streams. But that’s not what this is.

The streamer hypetrain left the station with their adoring minions within two months of release, though they seem to periodically come back to post things like this making it obvious they haven’t been paying ANY attention to what’s been going on since, thinking D4 is in the same state the left it in back in early S1.

It’s weird how similar this post sounds to theirs, suspiciously disconnected from the state of the game and the community, even though you’re claiming to be pro-D4. It’s like a time portal opened up and a comment from 10 months ago about a completely different topic just popped out onto this thread.

So you’re against Early Access games and beta testing too then right? Like, no players should ever be involved in feedback and it should 100% be on the developer to figure it out themselves and whatever they release is perfect how it is and the players who pay their money to buy the live-service game should have no input or say on it ever at any point, despite the money and time they also invest into it? By your same logic, why should they listen to your opinion instead if they’re not supposed to be listening to any feedback? You’re just some chaotic idiot in the subway station yelling “the end is nigh, don’t listen to me!”

I agree with most of the feedback. The only 2 points I do not agree with are:

I feel that this was designed to be a single player activity from the start and I do not mind if it stays that way.

I think the WB are there just for materials, especially socketing materials. I would agree with the proposal just in the case the drop table is better, but then they have to find a solution for the socketing materials drop. Otherwise, I am fine with them the way they are.

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WB also good for exq blood for necros trying to get more Zir runs in the hope for a sadly rolled Lidless Wall.

Make existing levels harder. Infinite progression is never a good move. The first thing to take a look at is player DPS, find broken builds and address that first (reduce player power instead of power up mobs)

Let’s just say they increase elite per capita there and have some chances to drop Uniques once again, should work

The problem with NMDs as of right now is because they’re literally 100% a Chore (a TODO to get a specific exclusive reward)

Hard disagree with this, if they remove the very little of what conditionals are left in game we’ll have just numbers and no playstyle involved

This is b.t.w. what happens when Streamers “take over”, they want everything streamlined/fast/reliable/predictably-efficient and want to measure success “in seconds” rather than distance covered

Partially the game is to blame, but the vast bad feedback portion about this issue in particular comes from the Streamers & Pros

Absolutely not, we need in fact less (1b but even that is too much), in general game needs Gold inflation mechanism so there’s some scarcity/planning involved

Nope, they have a purpose

No, I mean the point is to level and play a character, and have each of them feel differently (at least somewhat)

NOT having a Chameleon/Multiverse-Godzilla that changes forms

Yes I know, some of the things mentioned might be popular but aren’t necessarily good ideas IMO

Sorry to see it but the initial feedback info/quality has devolved

Doka, I think you have a better chance of them seeing this if it was posted in the PTR feedback channel, not here.

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Pretty sure PTR feedback forum has been locked. I know I tried to reply back to a post but couldn’t while can do it here no probs.

Which is fair, means that devs will see the actual feedback sample (instead of endlessly growing abomination) and see what was posted in that particular period (in fact would be more worried if it wasn’t :thinking:)

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That is an outstanding list full of improvement suggestions that would make D4 so much better!

Only a few issues:

  • Right now, group play overall (and especially for Uber Duriel) has a huge time and drops advantage compared to solo play . This was a step in the right direction to try and balance them.
  • But players definitely shouldn’t be made to feel forced to play either group or solo — we should all just get the same rewards regardless.
  • I would prefer to see the gold re-balanced to require less game-wide than increasing the max by a zero.

Yeah, it is. Just checked. I did not know.

I stand corrected. Thanks for the heads up.

I haven’t seen it. Items/skills don’t cross class. It isn’t like other diablo games where you can cross class other abilities. All the items are generic. You cannot find something worthwhile at lvl 20 that may still be good at lvl 80.

All of them.

Nope you just get told where to farm the mats for your next timed loot bag.

Way too small and does not include explorable areas that were famous in previous iterations. Leorics manor in d3 was a monsters. There isn’t even a building you get to traverse in the upper world. And the maps are generic.

Extremely huge problem. These games are supposed to evolve.

D2 scaled to infinity. Same great itemization/prefix suffixes. Same elemental affinities. Same mercenary systems or with skills like d3. Definitely the same humor and story progression as the mercs in d3. Then use the d4 artwork with trees you actually walk under and not tower over. A pathway to diablos sanctuary that is littered with bodies and lava river that has mobs spawning everywhere. Does it have to be d2 no. But it needed to incorporate features from the old games that worked.

Than don’t judge it.

You could only do it in D2.

We are not even on the same continent.

What scaled to infinity in D2? Unless you are talking about the runeword :laughing:

We are getting there. You seem to like D3, but never forget how many years it took the game to be good and find it’s audience. D4 is heavily in damage controll after it’s rushed release. So give it time.