Extreme Lag - Rubberband - Unplayable

What is going on with this game? It is virtually unplayable at this point. Latency 800-1000. Rubberbanding all over the place.


Same here, Ethernet connected ps5 and still constant drops.

Can’t even kill a boss without 3-4 attempts due to disconnects.

On a PC, same problem, rubber banding, lag and disconnects

Same. Pretty much unplayable. It’s ridiculous that this hasn’t been addressed.

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ruberbanding can also be caused by their VRAM leak thats been around since Beta. But their servers are also garbage so its either those 2 options.

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I am currently getting the same thing, and I called my ISP and did trouble steps with them, as well as cleaning and tuning my PC, updating drivers and whatnot… still nothing.

I take it back, now getting latency of 1500-2000+…then disconnect. Absurd.

Rubberbanding to an unplayable nature when most of North America is online. I reside in Australia. Constant connection loss from Diablo 4 servers during any hour of play. Unfortunately the support team is probably well aware of many complaints of this nature… I have reset my modem, flushed dns, did countless speed tests… And yes I get disconnected when online D2R, D3, and D4, are they all using the same servers??? I’ve had a week off work recently and have only managed to play for 4 hours total before I give up and turn the PC off… I’m at a loss at the moment…to the point of regretting spending the money for something I can’t enjoy.


Same. Exact. Feeling.

I’m so sick and tired of the stupid lag/latency issue. This is a Blizzard server issue. Get you act together people. The game is so frustrating at this point it’s basically unplayable. Wasted money. FIX THE STUPID ISSUE.

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Messing with DNS settings helped me

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