Extreme GPU Usage when opening inventory/vendor

Opening a new thread since the last one (Game Freezes/Crashes GPU fans screaming when opening specific UI Elements - June 2023 - #683) was closed with no valid response or fix from Blizzard, even though it collected hundreds of replies and 35k views. This is outrageous.

So, once again… everytime the character or vendor portrait render shows up, there’s a clear spike in GPU usage, voltage and temperature, for no apparent reason, nothing comes close to this during normal gameplay, even with hundreds of monsters. It is EASY to reproduce, it affects NUMEROUS cards. There’s also NUMEROUS videos online documenting this exact issue.

Not even talking about the energy waste it represents on such a big userbase, it’s detrimental for the hardware and has no reason to exist. If you can’t fix it, just give us the option to toggle off this widely unwanted “feature”. No one gives a flying duck to see a highly detailed strain of hairs on our druid’s butts if it costs us a graphic card, or an increased power bill, we’ll be just fine with a 2D render.

We, the customers, shouldn’t have to band-aid YOUR product by diminishing the experience of said product, because, as of right now, the only fixes the COMMUNITY found is lessening the experience (limiting framerate, limiting TDP, removing fur from character, disabling SSAO…) This is an absolute joke, no other companies have the nerves to respond the way you did and even blame the customers when the fault is clearly on your end, Blizzard.

We deserve an explanation, especially the people who lost hardware to this.

To the people who read this and want to contribute to the thread, don’t make the same mistake twice, they want to play dumb let’s be smarter, so if you hate this issue and want it to be acknowledged, let’s keep the response on this specific topic. Thanks.


THANK YOU! Seriously I though I was the only one that was absolutely disgusted at Blizzard’s response to the original thread.
First they stated they were combining all the threads regarding the vendor issue into that thread, then left us with no acknowledgement for a month, and then without any resoltion or hope closed the thread and ticked off another corporate box.
I have been replying to many new threads regarding the still present issue of over use of GPU, high temps, and power during vendor and inventory management. Hopefully this issue may stick if threads are constantly opened and viewed on the matter (as they will be until a fix).
I find Blizzards team response laughable that they don’t seem to understand it is not hardware that is causing these spikes it is a specific part of the game, the vendor and to a lesser extent inventory windows, proven on umpteen threads and demonstrated to them via several different systems and recorded videos on the matter.
The fact the forum sufferers demonstrated the issue so clearly and even offered a fix of an option to turn off animated (3D) vendor models as a selection, leaves me at the sorry conclusion that the development, coding, and support team are just inept in their roles and can’t facilitate this.
So basically YES to everything you have said, and believe me you are not the only one who is trying to battle this forward till they actually take notice… Although knowing Blizzard (Activision) as they now are, we will be the swept under the carpet few.


It is actually insane how tone deaf and demeaning their response was to the previous thread, they didn’t even recognize that the problem still exists. Incredibly upsetting that they leave a potentially GPU destroying bug in the game and brush it off to use “use made solutions”.


Yep, Just would have been nice if they even tried. Probably best to put game on rest until they realize that this thing is unbearable. Go kyovashad open vendor and gpu yells like it is melting in the hellfire, otherwise in battles all ok. Oh, well I think they did not even investigate then with that blunt of an answer. Kinda sad.


This issue is still ongoing. Not letting this thread die.


They are letting the posts close themselves. The OP can’t respond twice in a row, so if no one responds, it automatically closes in 30 days, that’s Blizzard’s way of solving problems.

They even stopped merging posts so they would die sooner…

If anyone wants to answer my post, I would appreciate it. :arrow_up:


Keep this thread going, the problems have not been fixed yet, and not even a dev response on this thread.

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