Expansion Campaign

I assume at some point in time it will be skippable like the first one.

That’s what an expansion is.


I think it will be the case, since Blizz is going in the “get to the end game fast!!” direction ala D3 with D4.

But an option for the players to either skip or replay the campaign when making a new char would be preferable.


The campaign was one of the high points for Diablo 4 and it’s one of the few areas you can tell they had real passion for. I only wish it were possible to increase the difficulty during it instead of after.


100% this I never understood why some people want to skip a major part of the game at launch.


Some people want a game that’s nothing but a room with monsters that spawn.

…then those same people complain there’s no story.



If I have the option to skip the campaign in the expansions I will. Nu-Blizz stories are just girl boss slay queen you go girl cringe fests. Men are portrayed as weak, alcoholic, useless idiots. I’m not interested in social commentary in my video games.

I just wanna play games not have the devs personal feelings shoved down my throat. I skipped every dialogue, cutscene and videos on release.

I know one streamer who is now working on D4, he said in an early D4 stream: “Lore, I do not care about lore all I want to do is kill stuff.” I know other people who can tell you everything about the lore of Diablo. I am a lore guy so I run the story a few times to take it all in. Speed racers will rush to the end and come to the forum crying that they no longer have anything to do.


I dont like Lore that much. I prefer a game with many systems and events like Legion / World Bosses / Helltides.

I hope the team invests on more Events/Systems

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Make campaign replays into an endgame activity.

I would much rather replay the campaign at high difficulty, than run 100s of NMDs etc.
Then also make it worthwhile to explore the overworld while replaying that campaign, and we got a winner.


They said you can skip the VoH campaign. People who like to ignore large parts of the game will have that option. Speed racers can rush to endgame to try and get on the cheater boards if that is all they care about.

I’ll definitely be playing through the expansion campaign (on the Eternal Realm) using my first character I created (which obviously played through the first campaign and loved it).

That character will also go for all quests I can find, read everything, checkout everything, landmarks, fauna and flora, whatever. Going to be doing a ton of exploring. Just nice and easy slow game play and soak in all the new stuff.

After that is all completed then I will move into the seasonal content and create a new character there and go about my usual seasonal activities.
That is my plan :slight_smile:


I hope that expansion campaign is full of monsters to slay

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Diablo II was my first ever game. I loved the cinematics and story details in-game.

As a guy who’s a big Lore fan of the series - I’m kind of the same like you:

With the beginning of a new season - it’s mandatory for me to go through the story once.

Diablo IV has a nice story to be honest and it’s done quite well in my eyes.

When the new expansion comes out - we’re heading down South to Kurrast. We’ve not been there for 70 years in Sanctuary’s timeline. For me it will be like I’m a kid in a candy shop. Lots of areas and places I hope we will see from Diablo II. It would be interesting to see how kind/unkind time has been

I’d like to believe Ormus is still alive due to him being a mage - which is unlikely , but you never know!

We’re basically following in the footsteps of Nyrelle and she’s passed right through a place where Mephisto’s hold was quite strong. My bet is the story will be interesting.

Definately NOT skipping that part. I’LL EAT ALL THE SIDE QUESTS ALIVE TOO!!!


I feel the same way, especially as someone who grew up on singleplayer games, but there are some people who don’t care about singleplayer or stories & campaigns at all. Some people are all about the action and competition which to me is kind of boring. I like variety in terms of puzzles, interesting characters, unique mechanics that don’t work or would be too overpowered in multiplayer, etc. And just playing through a campaign at a steady (not crazy fast and random) pace. I used to chain-smoke just taking my sweet time building a massive base and only occassionally battling against the AI in the singleplayer RTS days. In multiplayer you had every cheese tactic in the first 10 seconds.

I do like how Blizzard has been pushing for stronger stories and campaigns in their online games, like WoW and Diablo 4. Some people still don’t care and just skip through all the text and cut-scenes, lol.

I dint like campaign. It dint give any meaningful choice to character. I find D4 lore fairly complex as well so I dont really follow it. It was forgettable for me.

If the story is engaging, well sequenced and provides new and interesting mechanics then a longer campaign would be preferable - because at that point it’s enjoyable.

However, Blizzard while amazing at creating cinematics, tends to get a little lost when it comes to story telling at times. Believability is what they lack in my opinion and given the setting ‘believability’ has a long rope to play with.

Areas they have gone wrong in the past:

  1. Not sticking to the setting - Sanctuary and the surrounding universe is a brutal place. Diablo 3 lost that direction almost completely. Diablo 4 tried to bring back the ‘darkness’ but probably didn’t push it far enough in terms of the plot and dialogue IMO.

  2. “Stupid” main characters and/or plots - both Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 suffered from this, Diablo 4 only lost it towards the end of the campaign, the ending being a classic cringe moment…

  3. Nephalem being overwhelming and supremely powerful. The best stories have great villain’s, that are not just thrown aside. Diablo feels a bit like Superman fanchise, its hard to make a great story (movie) out of the fantasy because your hero is just too powerful.

  4. Unimaginative and repetitive game mechanics i.e. while the setting is changing you feel like you are just doing the same thing with a different coat of pain.

  5. Not leaving enough mystery for players to uncover, or trying to overexplain things. This is where games like Elden Ring, Dark Souls and Boulders Gate do so well. The puzzle isn’t solved after one play through, there are things that you want to go back and investigate…or you missed the first time.

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The campaign is the only thing of real substance in Diablo 4.

I need a campaign that is not just a prelude, but the core of the game. I would also rather reduce the amount of side quests and integrate them as story elements that deepen the Diablo lore as stronger quest lines.

If the game is split up in such a way that you start to reel off work rather than play a game, then it’s not particularly fun, as is currently the case in D4.

The main quest is the centerpiece and the game should work like a D2 in itself and from a single source.

Therefore, a kind of working world after the story is a bad idea. Let the story + the new kind of lore quests and class quests be the actual game.

I don’t like this kind of content that you can’t just play in the world like in D2. I always have the feeling that I’m doing a job and that I have to complete it precisely, which is no fun for me at the moment, as in D4 once again.

In Diablo 2, I just went for it and always had more fun.

That’s why I say create a world without seasons, leave gates, portals, seals, walls, thorn bushes etc. closed for the time being and gradually release this content until an add-on that continues the story.

Make the classes deeper and the skill more complex. Build this on further quest lines, let the character specialize in his skills via the Paragon system.


I’m sure the campaign will be beefed up in the expansion. They said in one of the chats (or maybe Blizzcon) that there are multiple teams and “a lot” of people working on the game / service altogether, with a different team for the expansion. Which makes sense seeing how there’s all the current seasons and an expansion developing at the same time. I see no reason for them not to have a solid campaign again.

They also said they’re planning to have annual expansions.

Or even just more expansive region based quests