Endgame is unfun from a level 100 perspective

Goal of a lvl 100 char is beat lilith and do a 100 Nightmare Dungeon. Last mentioned will take a while…

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I agree it is sort of a pointless destination, but if you can’t reach level 100 then maybe just be happy with whatever level you reach?
I’ve played tens of thousands of hours in diablo2, but I never reached max level.
Do I cry about it? No
Do I want it to change? No

Casual players just all seem to very extremely spoiled and dont want to work for anything.

I think you did a great job breaking down the game.

There’s some kinda lack in “the next adventure” at the end game. In D2 you farmed bosses to find an item that not nessesary was for your current build but something that would inspire you to start a new character fresh with this item piece as a pillar in the build. That is what I want, I don’t want things to be fully available throughout the game, I want the end game to offer things that your own lower level characters can use but that only drop in the final end game experience, that is something to strive for, gives meaning for the hunt.


Because the point of a video game is having fun, not doing a job. A game that demands you turn it into a boring unrewarding job to achieve something is a failure.


Fun is subjective. There are absolute zero demands in any game, if your ego cant deal with it maybe its not for you.

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Imaginew using the clown emoji as a refutable response.

You sir are the actual clown in this Sub forum.


Please refrain from flaming each other as this will contribute nothing to the topic


They screw up overwatch now they’re killing diablo
All just for money
Middle finger for players and the old days


I think over time the flaws and limitations with this genre have become more notable, making these games feel less appealing as a whole. It’s become easier and common to invest time into games with a lot of replayability and payoffs, like league, WoW, etc.

I still play WoW and a game like D4 feels like a super simplified version of WoW, but unlike an mmorpg I can barely interact or communicate with these others players, there’s so little end game content or challenges. The journey to 100 really isn’t that engaging and I know I’ll be bored from there forward.

I’ll stick with it for now. I have gotten enough out of the game to be satisfied with my purchase. I wish I felt more engaged. Games that feel like they lack an end goal tend to drop off hard.


I am talking about endgame content and fun, not a goal. Sure i could have as a goal to get all achievements etc, and that would keep me busy for long, but that doesnt mean that the game has enough content. The problem is lack of rise in power after you get ancestrals aside from the occational perfect rolled. You and so many others just say that if you havent beaten lvl 100 nm then you’re not done with endgame. If that would give be any bonuses or interesting stuff i could partially agree. But there is no way i am ever going to do any more nm dungeons simply because it is boring after a good while and it rewards me nothing to push my character on.

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Dayum that was long …
I stopped at lvl 75 because it became boring, I was chasing the same items I already had just with a better item level. The worst part is that I don’t even feel myself progressing anymore, the best I can do is keeping my power aflow, it will not increase anymore comparatively to scaled monsters.
The first 50 lvl are a joy honestly, I’m on my third alt but I can’t bring myself to farm the late game, I understand that some people might like the scaling but I hate it…


That’s a whole lot of post. Did you miss the part where the devs said the game isn’t supposed to be done infinitely like D3? There is a tangible end game goal, at which point it is suggested to start fresh. New character, new build, etc.

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Im glad im not you. The quests have alot of easter eggs but that isnt something your about im guessing. Lyndon, one of the d3 followers runs a rogue town and gives a few cool quests. Things like that shows me Blizz still looking at the details.

As far as keeping the game fun for you, i dunno man…youre level 100 for a game thats been out what 2nd week? I cant even recommend a game for you.

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umm you think your wearing BIS gear, you need to have all 4 prefixes on a rare then add legnedary power to it, 3 tops to change the 4th with souls, now this takes time, ive only found maybe 4 items top

Sorry but I disagree. I could still put unhealthy amounts of hours into d2 if the mods like project d2 we’re on updated engines.

Its very vanilla d2 but with a ton of QoL, build changes, and tons more endgame.

The recipe for success is already there, companies are just pandering to casuals because that’s what pays the bills. Just look at how many are satisfied with this mediocre game.

(see post below me for perfect example)


This game has a lot of content. A lot of it is fun. All arpg’s have a ceiling where it gets unrewarding. There isn’t infinite content. D4 did release with a lot of content but there was no chance it would have enough for everyone because some consume it at an incredible rate. it doesn’t have an incredible amount of content that much older games that are still being developed have like poe.

Most of my friends are 50 or less. I think what is here will be plenty for most especially going into season 1. more will be added over time. take your time and try not to burn yourself out by playing 100 hours a week.

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I’ve been 1% improving my gear since lvl 70. By the time you reach 100 and the amount of item drops you get, you are pretty near the BIS.

It would be great if they can do that with D4. It feels like we’re working towards so little. A lot of us want something engaging to do with these character at end game, something to look forward to, besides “how big can I get my numbers with full paragon board and the best gear I can find?”. I need more than just the ‘journey’.

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It’s like you build up to a great climax, that never comes. When will the beat drop?

No not end at 150, then you did them faster on each class.