Endgame is unfun from a level 100 perspective

For me its been a slog since around lvl 70 (im 86 now). The only thing that keeps me going is that i want to try Lillith fight. And the occasional gear upgrades, like 2200dps weapon at 70, 2500 at 79 and then few other pieces. But now im almost on bis gear, minus better rolls, so i wont have even that for a while anymore.

Ive been alt tabbing every few dungeons to check forums or something, or listening to Kripp for 1:30h about sorc (which i dont care about) in the background, so i dont go insane doing same thing over and over. It must have been hundreds of nightmare dungeons at this point and they are pretty much all the same.

Helltide is done only if i need mats, Tree is skipped, Legion even more so, world boss i do if i happen to notice its up.
I hope theres something coming in the season 1, but if its just world tier 5, with new celestial or whatever gear, it wont be a solution here

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