Druid damage passive companion modifiers, or tooltip, are bugged

Yeah I don’t think it really matters what they “want” when they are unable to even convey how much damage a skill should actually be doing. Is it that hard to have the tooltips show the ACTUAL damage the skill should be doing to an average enemy of your level?
So currently, all druid companion percentage buffs AND your primary damage stat (willpower) only give 7.8-25% (lvl1-9 of the skill) of the buff they actually say they do on your screen, but its ok cos they’re raising that by a couple of percent…Feels like they literally don’t get the actual issue considering we’re missing 75%-92.2% of two entire damage buckets and all the aspects/buffs show completely false numbers.

The tooltip seems like a simple fix, but it could be that all skills are calculated in the same way and there’s no way to individual calculate each skill. If that’s the case, they may have to re-make the entire tooltip calculation system in order to fix this issue. Just a theory, but as they fixed the [x] modifier issue, it’s hard to imagine they didn’t notice that 2 other buckets also aren’t calculating correctly.

And yeah, the buffs are lipstick on a pig, but at least they buffed the base skill damage of ravens and wolves, which is the most potent way to buff given the double-multipliers; another sign they understand the issue.

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i mean i’m very pessimistic. given the stuff i see i feel like the vast majority of dev testing and dev experience with abilities is on WT1-2 with mid-level characters, where the double multiplier penalty is not nearly as noticeable (i don’t know about anyone else but neither my eternal or seasonal characters accumulate much e.g. willpower until paragon levels). i could easily see them bandaging aspect of the stampede and call of the wild without knowing about/worrying about a more fundamental passive skill damage issue.

if they are aware, it’s true that suddenly removing the second multiplier could be disruptive… but to be clear we’re talking about going up to like ~5k damage/hit per passive wolf hit (after enemy DR) for an all-in companion build like my level 92 eternal server druid. that’s peanuts compared to the literally hundreds of thousands of damage i can do in an AREA with one cast of my landslide in that same build. it’s not going to completely overturn the meta, and it seems more like a bare minimum payoff for all the stuff i’ve invested in companions with that build (incl maxed out wilds glyph, +companion damage gear, and +3 to companion skills amulet… all of which basically doesn’t matter because the baseline [due to double-multiplication of willpower, etc] is so low)

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