Do the witch powers actually work?

So out of curiosity I decided to see what kind of benefit I was getting from the witch powers. To test this I ran a 92 pit which is near max for my character. Then removed all the witch powers and did it again. I couldn’t tell the difference. It was actually faster without the powers which I chalk up to RNG.

I wasn’t expecting much from many of them but Dust Stone is 4% damage per aura and hex but apparently it’s additive or just busted???

Did some more testing and slotted the gem that gets you 8% stat and 10% life. Nada, nothing, zero, nine, nil, the big goose egg. Then to be really sure, I slotted 5 growth and decay, plus the growth and decay unique. Yeah, does nothing…

Yeah the auras and hexes work great. I got vulnerable debuffs, pulls from parananado and crowd control perks

Yeah, clearly some of them are working. Like anything that does direct damage sharknado, bats, etc. But the ones that buff your character seem to be busted. Friend of the Bog just didn’t do anything even with every slot having growth and decay in it.

Friend of the Bog doesn’t work in town or when mounted, similar to the Juggernaut aspect. It also doesn’t appear to count the unique witch power. Aside from that, it was working for me.

As usual with this stuff, it doesn’t scale well, so you’re still tickling the mobs with 5k damage - needs a serious boost, maybe like they have boosted scaling of shrines!

In my sorcerer I am using the following combination and no too much damage but its working pretty well. No sure if there are better combinations or not.

Doom Orb
Abyssal Resonance
Soul Harvester
Hex of Whispers
Breath of the Coven

In the jewelry

amulet - Voice of the Stars
Ring1 - Friend of the Bog
Ring2 - Dust Stone

Abyssal Resonance is hilarious on a spirit born overpower build. I was running it for awhile and it’s just an endless flash of the blue circle thing. I’m sure that’s going to get disabled on live when it breaks the servers.

I’m going to play with them tonight now that I am done leveling without boosts. I’m sure I didn’t have the BIS ones slotted but when I took them all off and noticed zero difference it was quite disappointing.

for sorcerers Abyssal is good for 2 reasons, It does non physical damage (which hopeful scales with the Damage with Shadow status) and pulls enemies. Pulling its a big deal for chain lighting to get all mobs close to each other.