Do the Devs see the Feedback on these forums?

add WASD movement pwetty pwease :pleading_face:

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Yess WASD is #1
Then add more zoom out.


They read the forums, but you can help them to qualify feedback by using Ctrl + B in-game and select “Feedback”.

It will flow in their ticketing system.

For the love of God don’t have an ultimate button! It’s NOT Lost Ark! You are not entitled to have the ability to use an ultimate skill. I think it’s such a good and clever design not to have every running around with an ultimate skill! It makes diversity and builds even better, yet dumb kids with zero knowledge cannot comprehend these things I speak of. They believe they are entitled to such skill no matter what. Sigh!

@Richie - When the beta is back online, you can press ctrl-b in the game and give either bug or feedback. I used it multiple times last weekend so I could comment when I saw something rather than try to remember it for later.

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The in-game tools are what you want to use if you wish to make the feedback private.

It does NOT go in to the ticketing system though. It goes into the Beta system that is used by QA for bugs and Devs for feedback.

CS does not take, or process, either. You can’t submit bugs via tickets nor feedback.

Well, when you can’t beat em, join em.

My Brother - I put together this ongoing list of some of the more thought-out and thought-provoking feedback posts since the early beta. Putting it here for you - and for my compatriots.

Hi PezRadar, kindly speak with devs how incredibly easy the game currently is.
Otherwise this game is exactly like Diablo 3, legendries dropping like crazy and fast leveling. Please re-touch also the difficulties, Veteran should be only for players who know what their doing, me and my friends couldn’t tell if we had a higher difficulty.

Thanks for replying and letting us know you guys are here! ^^,

And Battlerite, (which is made by the same studio as V-Rising). This also demonstrates that D4 is ripe for a MOBA/Arena PvP mode- having all players normalized to the same skill points, items/affixes limited or disabled, and if we need defined heroes; then break classes down into subclass templates.

Lost Ark has shown some potential, D4 can definitely do arena PvP modes.

Thanks! And most importantly…

Can we get a forum feature to upload custom avatars, just like you have? Thanks!

The problem is that I tried that and it wouldn’t let me write more than a few lines. I would have to break down my notes and submit them in pieces.

Sir, it doesn’t matter if you are newbie or not, but I encourage you to do feedback. It helps the development team a lot. It’s a collection of material. They really need it. Thank you. You don’t have to be afraid of anything.

You mean I have to worry about someone other than the FBI tracking my posts…

Please listen to all the feedback and not only to the loudest ones. Thanks

Capture opening trading to all items. So we dont fall asleep at end game.

Can you say us something about combine just move + interact without have to split is in three binds wich feels strange, it is a simple qol change that much people would like to have at launch

So don’t save up huge lists… it’s easier on them too if you keep each bug/feedback item separate. Once you get in the habit of using ctrl-b as soon as you notice something, it’s really easy.

Map overlay — clicking into the map every time I wanted to see if I was going in the right direction, and wasn’t going to end up at a dead end, was honestly a huge pain. I miss the translucent map overlay you used to be able to put over the whole screen. Please bring that back!

I mainly hope for a better balance between classes and also among the skills each class has.
Oh yeah, and button for ultimate ability.