Do i need to download whole game again if i download beta?

Dont expect to be able to reuse the beta files.


you will.

I was in closed beta and i left it on my ps5 for fun, when this beta rolled around i tried to launch it and it didnt work, I had to redownload the “new beta” version. I think if they add a test realm they might use the beta version but even that is a streach.

Yes. Release and beta will, even if only differing slightly, have different base files. You can and should remove the beta entirely, its useless now.


I’ve heard that the full release will check for similar files from the beta to reduce the download, however I’ve also heard that the file storage system for D4 is very inefficient and should just be uninstalled and reinstalled to avoid errors.

It wont, not sure where youve heard that, its not something theyve done in a single previous game, no reason they would swap things up now, as beta and release are fundamentally different games.

As for whether its true or not I have no idea.

I stand corrected. Definitely a first. Its not a blue, but i doubt mvps would be throwing around utter nonsense.

Not that it matters any, but I personally am going to opt for a fresh install anyway. It only takes about 5 minutes, but good to know.

Same. I’m just going to go for a fresh install as well.

Blu is talking about the Bnet and file structure in general, and Blu is usually right about most things.

However, the Blues from Tech Support did comment on this specifically for D4 on the Battlenet forums.

I am with Blu though, if someone has room feel free to put them on a backup drive or keep them around. It is not likely they are useful, but if you have space and such, I don’t see any harm in leaving them.


Yes, you will need to download the final game. It’s safe to delete the beta.

Thanks all for the answers.

Any idea when we can download the "live " D4. I Would rather not waste all my early access downloading the game.

Some Gaming News outlet claims that there is no reason to hold on to the beta files and apparently this was confirmed by Blizzard, which makes sense, because they’d rather you download a fresh and clean copy of the game without any unnecessary files on your computer to create conflicts in some way or form or take up space.

So, I would presume that it is safe to say you can uninstall the beta files and just download the full game when pre-loading happens.

Edit: I was going to post the link, but apparently can’t post links O.o, so I found one that also says it’s safe to uninstall the beta and it’s from GameRant and it’s titled:
PSA: You Can Safely Delete the Diablo 4 Beta Client

You can Google the title to find the article.

I just realized you necro’d a thread from April…
You could have just searched threads, there’s a few regarding this.

Nobody knows the time yet, but I would presume it’s 3-4 days before the first friday of June.

My personal guess would be 2 days before early access (May 30) since the early downloads of the betas was 2 days prior too.

Blizzard has not announced when the Pre-download for the Release game will start. It is usually 24-48 hours before game release.

i hope the dl is earlier than that, for those of us perma stuck with 1 mbs which takes FOREVER to dl a 90 gig client + what ever the day one patch is. blah.

If you have any friends who have it, or somewhere else you can download it, do that. You can put the whole game on an external drive and then just copy it over to your PC.

Default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo IV

Just copy that whole Diablo IV directory to your C drive from your external drive.

these are the words of the one who already uninstalled the beta version and regretted xD

I just thought to write an update here. I had the beta with the 4K hi-res packs. total disk space on that was about 80 GB. I clicked Install and it did some thinking and then started me out at 60% ish and says about 40 GB to download. I have slow 5 Mbps internet so even though it’ll take a while, I’m thankful I don’t need the full 90+ GB again!

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