Didn't get an aspect after dung was done

I disconnected during the dudgeon and then reconnected I finish the dungeon got nothing even though I had not run it before the aspect did not show up in my log. I relogged the game and ran it again. Still nothing the aspect is soft locked and I can not gain it. it also seem to think that I already have it because the aspect is not over the dudgeon and it thinks its done. but I do NOT have the aspect at all.

Please if there is anyway to fix this post done below. I have not seen a thread on this issues so I do not know if its know.


I have the same problem, I completed the dungeon while in the upper left corner it said that there were connection problems, after seeing that I could not leave the dungeon even using the “T”, I restarted the game. When I logged in again I saw that I still did not have power, I have tried to do it a couple more times but I still do not get power.

So if someone can tell us how to solve this problem… please!


“Good” to know that the problem is getting some traction. Had thr same exact issue. Did Maulwood dungeon. Got some random disconnect, logged back in and dubgon showed on overworld as completed, yet 0/115aspects.

Of course zero blizz replies on forums no ability to make a ticket in live service gsme. Sadge


Did either of you manage to fix it? because I keep leveling and I don’t know if the character is going to stay bugged for life…

No. and no reply from blizz either.