Diablo 4 was unable to open a critical file

how do i fix this issue with playing diablo 4 on game pass. i tried deleting the battle.net folder and reinstalling but i still have the same error

this sounds like a pc issue, not console

because it is a pc issue with the diablo 4 version on game pass

I had a heap of issues too. It seems to work ok if I start Battlenet and not the Xbox app (once accounts are linked anyway).

well i was just pointing out this is console bug report, not pc bug report

For PC, the fix for the Critical File Not Found was simply restarting my PC. The way it started was Diablo IV froze and i closed it through Task Manager. Something about that doesn’t register with Battlenet.

Restart your PC without opening the Xbox App. Then run Diablo IV as Administrator.

You need more Crit Chance.

Reinstall battlenet. i had the same issue

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I keep having the same issue. I reinstalled Battle.net but after playing again, the problem came back. Also, I lost part of my progress in both times.
For the record, I’m playing on PC using Game Pass.
Battle.net it’s awful for the game experience.

Solution: As mentioned here, restart or close all Xbox and Battlenet activities on Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and open Only Battle.net.