Diablo 4 eats 24 gig VRAM?

Imagine my experience when i, on an rx 6600 (8gb vram) loaded in on high textures.

Another poorly coded game. Hopefully they fix it.

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Don’t tell David about this, they will tell it’s completely normal.

Well, technically a broken, unoptimized pc game is normal :laughing:


Yeah, last night I noticed it hit around 12GB of system ram usage around after 1 hour of gametime. After two hours it was 20GB. Today it was 22GB after about 10 minutes of gametime both in the town west of the city and outside of town. 8gb of Vram being used as well.

Game also reset the graphics settings to high after I dropped them to medium last night. Then today after hitting the quit button the game crashed.

Game has always crashed on me when i try to close it. Figured it was normal.

Edit: Most of these no real fullscreen games are a chore to close, at least the ones i play.


Why do you have all that RAM and then get mad if a game actually uses it?

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Because this game should not be using 20 to almost 30 gigs of RAM…??? Period? Under any circumstance? Literally no other game that are better graphically and open world don’t?

That fails to prove it’s a bad thing.

I’m on a laptop with an AMD Ryzen 2500U that shipped with 8GB RAM, I upgraded to 16GB. I’m running at minimum settings and I get ok framerates when staying in a small area, but when moving around, I get massive stuttering as the game completely hogs all my memory and is acting like it keeps pushing into virtual memory. This is well beyond the advertised minimum specs of an FX-8100 and 8GB RAM and equivalent to the recommended 1300X and 16GB RAM.


Graphics files can be huge. Using available RAM to hold them is faster than reading them from drive storage. Using RAM is not proof of a problem.

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ofc its not normal, cmon guys

That actually might be an nVidia driver problem. I recently updated my drivers for a 3080 10GB and a number of games that run in 4K were locking up or crashing with a Out of VRAM error. I rolled the drivers back and the problem went away.

RX 6800 here and the game eats almost all of the 16GB VRAM as well as 22 of 32GB system RAM.

Power draw and temperatures are fine.

What graphics card are you on ?

What setting is the game setting HardwareClass to in -

Documents → Diablo IV → LocalPrefs.txt

Finally some game to take advantage of my 3090’s 24G VRAM :laughing:


coz the game literally stutters from it? are you dumb, and its not even using it rather just memeory leaking


On an RTX 3080, I have to turn the texture settings down from high to medium to avoid regular hitching/rubber-banding, particularly when entering a new area. I’ve seen several reports of people with 24GB vram cards having to do the same thing to avoid the same issue, so I’m not entirely sure that upgrading to something like a 4090 would fix the problem. I guess I’ll wait to see what the performance is like at release.


Mine is set to 4. I have an RTX 4090

I also experienced high VRAM usage/allocation. It was at 21.5GB most of the time. It didn’t cause any performance issues for me but no game I’ve ever played has used this amount, so it is definitely a little peculiar, especially considering the game doesn’t exactly have the craziest high-resolution textures and LODs on the market.

High VRAM seemed to cause a lot of issues for people who have less memory on their cards and stream on twitch/youtube, using the NVENC encoder on their cards. Definitely seemed to negatively impact performance for them.

There’s absolutely a memory leak. Wasn’t an issue in closed beta as far as I’ve heard.


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