Diablo 4 community managers and twitter

I really don’t know.

I wish they would, or could, just freely chat with users on forums, discord, reddit, etc. Answer questions, explain things. But they don’t, and what little they have is very very structured. I am sure there are reasons - and those on the Council applied and were vetted in some way. They are not likely to spout off with threats against the staff, even if they are critical.

If I think of an actual solution that works with players, consolidates info in one place, and still bars people who are outright abusive I will. I just don’t know of a decent solution to it all right now. There are trade offs. I just know what we have no is NOT good enough and has not been for a long time.

What do you think I talk to CMs about when I get a chance to do so in person?

They did that for Immortal and considered doing it for D4. I was actually sort of surprised this forum even exists.

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