DIABLO 4 - Bad Item and Character Power Design

It’s not 10:90. Many aspects you need can be reliably acquired. Building around RNG aspects is a choice you can make, but you can still control that RNG in many ways.

I agree with most of what you said, but it’s not at all necessary for sets to be build defining in order to be useful. One example would be to have sets that give bonuses to specific types of affixes or aspects or skills as set rewards and that can be imprinted with whatever aspects but otherwise roll just like rares.

This is correct. The codex aspects are just a quick and easy way to get legendaries and they are all at the minimum power for that aspect. They all are available as drops too and have the potential to be much stronger.

A set bonus can be anything tho.

I understand, but if we take a closer look, you will see most of aspects from dungeon are mediocre, can not be compared with random drop (rng). You don’t get that particular item? your build is meh, like the game shapes your playstyle, when it should be you. Also those tiny +3% make the tree feel bored and meaningless.

I honestly don’t think this should be a mandatory case

You have a gear and a skill tree, combine them both for max outcome, don’t see the problem

Every skill level increases damage output by 10% (not sure about how the Defensive or CD-based skills work though), BUT

The difference between having a good weapon and, having a good weapon and also having skills is 10% power per level… Perhaps not that noticeable at start grows up and it’s NOT insignificant either…

Just a quick example - having a 500DPS weapon and a lvl1 Hydra will do like 70 per hit ?, and having a 500DPS weapon and a lvl7 Hydra will do about 130 (or if you want to compare - a lvl7 Hydra will do the same damage with around a 300DPS weapon as opposed to a 500DPS one)

I mean sure, they could reduce the starting damage of skills by say some 10% and then increase damage per level upgrade to 12% instead of 10% (make the level upgrades more noticeable early on, and eventually eat-up a greater total % of the whole pie), but don’t think it’s a “design-level” problem/issue as it obviously WORKS tbh