DIABLO 4 - Bad Item and Character Power Design

Wait untill they balance pvE arround the salty tears of butthurt PvP players and therefor ruining PvE builds :smiley: .


What are the point of your posts? Heā€™s contributing feedback based on their opinion since thatā€™s part of the purpose of testing the beta, to stress test, report bugs and general feedback.

Constructive criticism is great as it gives perspective from other views that may or may not align with your experience. You on the other hand, feel like bashing someone elses thoughts because they arenā€™t your own makes you the white knight and savior of Blizzard.

Blizzard was once known for how much it cherished and valued its player base and their feedback, in all its forms. Whether this information is used or not, the intention is still to provide a better game. Yours is nothing other than schoolyard bully. Be useful and provide something.


Iā€™ve always wondered why people think stat based characters are a good design.

Does it come from D2? That game was also gear based. There were 10-15 good items total and a lot of them were used across multiple classes and builds. There was a reason almost every build ended up with the bare minimum for stat requirements and then everything else into vitality.

You either have items with the best stats to use, or items with the best legendary affix. One system leads to more unique class identities and builds, and the other doesnā€™t.

Youā€™re talking about taking the loot away from a loot based genre, how is that fun for anyone? This is one of those ā€œyou think you do, but you donā€™tā€ moments.


Please get out of here. If you are anything close to a diablo fan you would know that drops is everything. Without drops that make you cream its not diablo.

I can do that too
2,146 people think you guys are overdramatizing and making it a bigger deal than it is.

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Who is talking about removing items from Diablo 4?

All I am saying is this:

  • Dont make specific Affixes on Items be a MANDATORY Requirement for specific Skills in specific builds to Function at all

Instead I would like for specific items to be HIGHLY DESIRABLE for specific Skills and/or Builds.

Thats all, nothing more, nothing less.

I want MY Build to be playable WITHOUT those specific Affixes and Items, yet still create a clear incentive to Grind out and Farm Uniques with specific Affixes to make MY Build more powerful beyond what the Skill Tree offers.

Do you guys understand now?

Skill Trees and the Choices and Sacrifices that need to be made represent the ā€œRPGā€ in ARPG.


Telling them to completely redesign the game is not constructive criticism.


Get a clue please.

Itā€™s just whining and complaining.

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You really are a nasty little man arenā€™t you?

Is it realistic that this big WalMart esque corporation will change their product? No. That has zero to do with the validity of the OPā€™s points, which he is entitled to make. The fundamental systems are quite clearly designed to target the broadest audience possible, rather than to make a deep and compelling game. That is to the detriment of the game, which is why his feedback is a net positive, even if you donā€™t like it.

I could design a Diablo: Immortal clone and sell cosmetics and make hundreds of thousands, does that make Diablo: Immortal a good or compelling game? Lmfao. Look at Diablo 3, which in the actual ARPG community is widely regarded as soulless corporate trash. Millions sold on the back of the IP.

Letting the genre slip into an absolute mind-numb state is not good for anyone. Itā€™s not good for the general consumer (who will play unaware that the product could be better) or for the people attuned to why the product is soulless and bad.

All of his criticisms are valid, btw. The fact that they are using gear as an end all be all determinant for power AGAIN is an utter embarrassment and, frankly, evidence of corporate laziness in design. Thereā€™s little to no innovation here.


Posting comments to overhaul the game 2 months before it comes out is not a viable path of feedback.

Itā€™s like saying to a car salesman you donā€™t like the car and he needs to redesign it before you buy it from his lot.

Heā€™s just going to tell you to leave.

You can use every skill in the game without legendary multipliersā€¦ You canā€™t do it efficiently maybe but you can. SO what you are saying you should do it as well and easy as you can with gear? Makes no sense to me at all.

Your suggestions would take away the creamy feeling when something golden drops. That is not at all what this game needs.

A good drop should give instant gratification in feel, dmg, power. That is how you make a player cream when stuff drops. If its just 15% more dmg or some resists the player would be likeā€¦ Meeeh whatever, like d3 was on release with its yellow items. Everybody hated that system.

But but sir ur here and replying to him so ur listening?

lets put this into a different perspective.

If half of honda owners had a grocery list of faults with the car that could cause you problems, and half the owners just said those people were dumb and their car was fine, how would you feel about purchasing a honda based on those remarks? Would you be interested in learning about the potential issues that could become your issues? Would you be curious to see if there was validity to those claims or would you blindly accept the people shutting these comments down cause they didnā€™t see it that way or have that problem?

The funny thing is, there are a ton of these feedback posts going to great lengths to explain their experience, potential issues that could cause harm to the games longevity and playerbase, and most of them proposing ideas or solutions they feel could help. That doesnā€™t mean they are all correct, or the only choice, but they are insightful and with meaning.

On the other hand, most of the posts or replies coming from people stating the game is perfect, shed no light or very little on how its perfect, instead talk down to those with criticism.


Lmfao I remember months before D3 when THOUSANDS of players from beta were clamoring and begging for the literal turd not to be released in that state. Then the multiple years of damage control that ensued. Would they have gone back and fixed their product before releaseā€¦? ā€˜course not, they made millions on IP hype, so who cares?

If itā€™s a turd you canā€™t do much but flush it, you are correct. But donā€™t expect the community not to come and point at the bits of corn before it gets royally flushed.

You honestly just sound mad because you want the turd tbh.


Yes, let us ride the mindless dopamine coaster together into infinity, DLC after DLC, ad infnitumā€¦


I mean, thatā€™s what arpgs are aboutā€¦ the loot grind

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And most of those complaints are ā€œIts not diablo 2ā€

There are definitely problems with the game like poor balance between skills in the trees, poor balance between the classes, too many anti-melee mechanics and other things. But when people complain about subjective things and make it seem like its objective fact I ignore their opinion.


D4 is anything but mindless. Late game dungeons will require your full focus or you will die. In fact I predict you will die so much and fail so many sigils that you will swear at the screen. I actually predict 95% of all players will do this. the other 5% are some buddha types or something. I havenā€™t sweared and raged at a game as I have with D4 in a very, very long time. And its not because its bad, its because it is so totally unforgiving.

D3 is mindless. D2 is mindless in comparison. The only ā€œmind trickā€ you need in d2 is reading on internet how to achieve and unlock things. Combat in itself is mindless in comparison to d4. Same goes for most other games in this genre. You just click and kite, click and kite, until you win. Many games like this (d3 included) put in timers to make ā€œcheckā€ if you put out proper dps, enrage timer on bossses and similar.

In d4, One wrong move, one wrong cycling of abilities, one missed dodge, in d4 and its not like other games that your dps falls a bit and you miss the timer, no you are DEAD. And if that happens a few times you fail the dungeon. And it will happen to you many many many times. You have all the time in the world to complete them but if you donā€™t execute perfectly when pushing hard sigils you are dead.

Anything but mindless. The only game that has put me under similar mental stress in the past 20 years or so is Smite and EvE online. Yeah and Doom 4 also.

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Grinding loot that you can use to barter, to theorycraft, to ā€œmake workā€ with your build, or loot that fundamentally changes how your character plays in exciting ways,
or affords unique abilities, is compelling. Especially so when said loot is superbly rare, but the game can be played regardless of whether you have it, adding to the enjoyment of the huntā€”that is compelling.

Grinding loot that is the sole determinant of your characterā€™s green arrow, modifies the sponge level of poorly designed mobs and that blandly adds crit or some other basic mindless determinant for which box you clickā€”that is what we call in modern game design, ā€œbuilt to sell in China.ā€


It doesnā€™t need to be Diablo 2. It does need to be better than Diablo 2, however, rather than inferior and less thought provoking.


You know what is even more compelling? That the smart loot gives you the drop you want because you played well. Not because you farmed a million gold to barter for it. So having that weapon and build is deserved through good execution, not by just putting in a 100ed mindless hours of grind.