Devise Your Portal to Gamescom

Devise Your Portal to Gamescom

Wield your creativity to win a trip to Gamescom and your chance to play the Spiritborn in-person.

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i dont have computer or art skills, but someone could do a retro portal using the Horadric Cube from D2. Have the player drop it, it spins and then like a rubix cube it turns into a portal.

Full details link in article leads to a non-existent forum post.

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The rules link is dead

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Where’s the complete details for the contest?

that means there are no rules!

but here is from the link:

From July 18—July 25, 11:30 a.m. PDT devise your own Portal for a chance to win a trip to Gamescom for you and a friend. Gamescom will be the first public hands-on event for Spiritborn, you’ll be one of the first to play the new class! You’ll both be equipped with travel, accommodations, and tickets to the show in Cologne, Germany from August 21—25!

To enter, post your own Portal to Gamescom on Instagram. Your “Portal to Gamescom” is up to your interpretation: you can use any medium at your disposal to bring your Portal to life: in-game capture, digital or practical effects, or even paper mâché. Be as imaginative as possible!

Tag @PlayDiablo on Instagram with the hashtags #PortalToGamescom and #DiabloContest when you post your entry. Five winners will be selected by our judges based on creativity, quality, and relevance.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enter the Portal to Gamescom contest for a chance for you and a friend to win a trip to Gamescom and play the Spiritborn in person. We can’t wait to see the Portals you create! To participate, you must be 18 years or older and live in an eligible region

--------------------- i dont have an insta gram account nor very artisie ---------------------

this would win if someone was very artsie -

a swirly of green (mainly) that focuses on your spirit animal (3 of your choosing) with black and white hands reaching half thru the portal that give you the feeling thru are trying to grab you and pull you thru to the spirit world. added blue/purple lighting sparks that randomly shoot across the swirly green portal mist

boom enjoy your free trip on my behalf

@Blizzard Entertainment - the rules link doesn’t work. No visible post on the forum w/ the rules.

I wanted to see the rules because I’m curious if someone thought to mention people may need a valid passport for international travel like this.

Just a quick question on the “Portal to Gamescom Contest”: why Italy is not elegible? It sounds very strange, all European country are

Please include Philippines :frowning: I really want to join :pray:

just use a AI art generator

i made this one with it for you. use it to enter if you wish.


Eligibility is based on the laws of your country or State. Some places don’t allow some types of contests and rewards. It usually falls under some sort of consumer protection or anti-gambling laws. It is not because Blizzard or some other company hates you :slight_smile:

My state in the US does not allow many contests so I am not eligible to enter more than half of the promotional contests out there. I can do this one if I wanted, but I can’t participate in a lot of others.

@SinfulScribe @PezRadar regarding the statement above which I quoted from the official rules posted by SinfulScribe, “Diablo IV Portal to Gamescom Contest Rules”. About half of the current submissions on insta have evidence of generative AI use. How closely will this be regulated?

I really want red shirt guy to win.

I was reading over the rules and I didn’t see where the winner is required to bring a guest. Does this count as a alteration to the “prize”? Is the winner required to bring a guest? Also I was reading both people need to fly from the same airport. What if the guest the winner wants to bring already lives in host country/city? Obviously asking for a friend, pun very much intended.

A portal that leads us to a wonderful ARPG where we can finally find cool stuff like unique crossbows and more? Thats an awesome idea :heart:

Now they’ve got payers designing cosmetics that I’m sure they will be happy to sell back to them.

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will the winners be announced at some point officially? blog post or smth?


hi i read that the winners result would be announced 5 days after the contest ended i.e. on july 25th. now after a week do we know anything? i sent 2 emails to ask for info but no answer. could you give me some information about it please :man_shrugging:t4::pray:

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When will they announce the result?

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