Developer Feedback & The Lack There of

Since I started actively participating in this forum I have seen one official blue post.
The one I saw was a joke about no blue posts being made for the year on January 1st.
Hilarious… The only problem is it shows you can respond and choose not to.

That’s probably what’s causing the disconnect between your companies design ideologies and what your players actually want to see.
Zero public collaboration of ideas.
Certainly none on the forum.

The lack of any official responses to pretty much any substantive conversations on the forum has become a problem. You listen, you read the comments, then your response will be the campfire chats.
Great… Still zero interaction with players.

There are obviously wolves in sheeps clothing roaming around the forums hidden under guise of regular forum posters. As useful as that is, it does not give any sense of official acknowledgement or interaction with the forums.

Maybe one of you guys can tell us who actually makes decisions around here though.

Who can we talk to?
Who is someone here on the forum that can actually have influence?
Who is a real person openly involved with Microsoft?
Anyone? No one?


wrong place friend, forum is for everyone to channel their negativity only, it severs zero other purpose.

for any positive criticism, you probably want to go to discord

That’s pretty much the vibe I’m getting here.

Broadly speaking, we aren’t able to post to every thread, so to post to only some feedback threads would be viewed as endorsement of the contents, and in many cases, would fuel rumors that changes, ideas, etc. were being implemented when they may not be. We do read and report on the content of forum threads regularly, and that information goes to the team.


Consider my mind blown.

So MAYBE there is a point to actually post positive criticism…MAYBE


well definitely some truth to your concerns about anything swaying a community’s hope. don’t you guys PAY someone to interact with the community ??? shouldn’t we get feedback on ideas that post that fail to meet D4 vision ??

the community feels a big disconnect from devs, and being silent doesn’t help. if it must be “filtered” by some overseer we as the community would still like to interact with games development process from this point on.

if not responding to the community, then more CLEAR VISION on the game to come in the next few months/upcoming year. as a player i am still confused weather this is a casual game, or a challenging game. weather the game is going to cookie cutter other ideas from other Diablo games, weather its going to expand in some areas that we find lacking…

but the only voice that comes out clear is… WE WANT YOUR MONEY… everything fun is monetized severely… why ??? didn’t we BUY a GAME ??? or did we PAY for a system to sell us stuff ???

side note, WE HATE CAMPFIRE CHAT, its super cringe like EVERY OTHER GAME COMPANY that try to do this… stop interrupting important peoples day to put them in front of the camera to sweat about stuff they think we want to know… PLEASE JUST PUT OUT BULLET POINT POST… i cant and WONT spend a hour to watch these things… it just urks me and ALL my gamer friends


Bet you weren’t thinking a blue would answer your thread with a title like that

Nobody asked to answer to every thread. The lack of activity from the company is the prob. I am sure someone gets paid to talk to us … to scared for drama? We all make mistakes … we learn … but this … is a bad joke. To have a forum just for the fun of it … sure. Have fun … i am blizz Employee but i cant talk of forums.


LOL “we arent able to post to every thread”… she left out they might choose 1 a month to reply to.

We don’t expect you to reply to every thread, but at the rate you do reply we get the impression you arent here very often.

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I legit didnt even think they exist.

The blue tracker almost never hit these forums anymore


The devs are more active on X.
Look for @PezRadar, @AZJackson85, @JPiepiora, @RodFergusson


First of all, thank you for the response.

It’s nice to see a blue post, you just warmed my heart a little bit, but hold up now.

Having a conversation does not mean you endorse an idea.
You could literally sit there and tell me how bad my idea is and why the entire time.

And I would sit there and love every minute of it because someone actually responded.


Well it’s sad that there isn’t even the announcement of the upcoming campfire chat to date.
It’s been on twitter or reddit or something for over a week, but nada here.

They collaborate with Streamers on their Payroll through their Creator Program. Rather than listen to what the majority of the community is saying.


Just remember that no matter what you do some of these people will complain about it.


Maybe Blizzard should go back to focusing on the customer versus the profit like they used to when the GMs/forum reps would actually talk to players.


To be fair, Lyricanas response was again to another thread that had zero substance to the actual game.
Only the forum.


How did that work out for Tseric? :laughing:

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The blog posts are what populate to the forums, so when the announcement blog hits it will come through. I pin them when they’re posted, but I’d be happy to start making them global pins instead of General Discussion ones. :slight_smile:


If we had in game chat devs could come on and answer dumb questions like they do in other games. That would be super direct to real players. Not trolls. Ppl in game would treat them like royalty.