Is this the first official post on the forums? I’m sure there’s gotta be more but this is the first one I’ve seen lol. And so direct and personal and customized at that
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So you’re calling Pez, the Blizzard employee, a liar?
Nah, I read it wrong. My bad.
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Blizzard totally never mistakes by mistakenly banning people (and then unbanning them quietly if they manage to somehow get an actual person’s eyes on their appeal instead of having it automatically denied), so surely this can’t possibly be something that was done in error…right?
Come on bro use your brain a little bit
My brain was disciplined and actioned on in another life thus disqualifying me per our brain rules.
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Honestly Draaxx seems humble and understanding of this situation. We’ve all made past mistakes we regret.
Good work in hitting level 100 before many of us Draaxx.
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Thanks brother!
Maybe someday the blessed mother shall bestow her forgiveness upon me.