"Dear Blizz, I write you, but you still ain't callin"

Dear Blizz,

I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin’,
Left out in the cold, and it’s kinda appalling,
I won the Diablo 4 Hardcore Victories contest,
But somehow, I’m not on the list, I must confess.

Livestreamed the grind from one to a hundred,
On Twitch, I showed my skills, so you’d remember,
But it seems you missed my journey’s endeavor,
While other players got their glory, and I got neither.

I sent you tweets, but they must’ve been unseen,
On June 18th, I posted, you know what I mean?
I played with a dedicated party, true and strong,
Yet you didn’t include me, what went wrong?

I followed all the rules and put in the sweat,
Cleared each level with precision, no regrets,
But it seems you turned a blind eye to my feat,
While others bask in the limelight, I sit in defeat.

I ain’t looking for fame, just recognition,
A nod to my efforts, a small addition,
To the list of victors who conquered the game,
But now I’m left feeling forgotten, without a name.

Maybe it’s an oversight, a slip of the hand,
But for a hardcore player like me, it’s hard to withstand,
The disappointment and frustration that I feel,
Watching others celebrate while I try to heal.

I love your games, and I’ve been a fan since day one,
But this exclusion has left me feeling undone,
I hope you’ll reconsider and give credit where it’s due,
To Draaxx, the Hardcore Victor, who stayed true.

Sincerely yours, Draaxx


consolidating missed again in this thread How can the HC Top 1000 list still be wrong? - *MASTER LIST OF WHO WAS MISSED* 8/4/2023 post it here

Our updated list is correct. Yes, you were left off intentionally.

Your account was disciplined and actioned on in another Diablo title thus disqualifying you per our contest rules.


gigachad community manager


Imagine getting spanked publicly like this and then having everyone on every discord server running the blue tracker bot be summoned to see it simultaneously.


Came here from Discord lol muahahhahahaaha


can i get my name updated? i contacted multiple different outlets and everyone said contact someone else but hey ur here my old acc was IHitDingers#11315 its all on my twitter i love you

Owned. This is awesome. Hopefully you’ll learn your lesson from this.


Adam, sincerely thank you for taking the time to respond to those of us who were intentionally left off the list and explaining why. This is exactly the transparency the community wants to see.


It speaks. Fix ya’ll game, or just come out and say ya’ll know it sucks.

What about Wudijo botting D3, did he make the list for D4?

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hahaha u back in sitting in defeat, should write up another laughable poem with you not looking for fame, well u got it now hahahaha

Love it when cheaters get rekt!

GG pez!


Cheater gonna hate!

real life biceps and e-biceps!!

love it lol

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Hallo, i am here for the kekw

So what did you do in the other diablo title ?

You’re so disingenuous. I love seeing losers like you getting smacked down.

Yikes, looks like wudijo has a shaky past.

That is not necessarily cheater.
Sometimes he might’ve said something mean to someone without backbone and got sanctioned.

Nah - more than likely was one of the scrubs using the recent exploits in seasonal.

Edit: My bad - I misread the post by Pez.