Day 2 and already a dupe

I’m not surprised at all about another dupe found in the new season. The game already has a lot of sites out there that will sell services or mats. This happens when games have things that are tradeable to other players people always find a way to make a profit off of something.

I don’t think it’s the player’s responsibility to police the developer’s games. Blizzard should be proactive in their attempts to mitigate cheats/dupes/glitches, rather than rely on it’s customers to flag stuff.

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Damn! I was hoping not to see this and have a legit gameplay experience this go-around. Looks like the trade chat is going to be spammed with duriel runs 24-7 again. I thought the whole reason they made helltides longer was so that we could legitimately farm for our duriel runs, and I assumed that the dupes were fixed???

Yeah, im not sure either why it takes them forever to find these “accounts”. I know back when New World had the issue with duping exploits they came out and said we can find it because the Database ID of the items were identical and they would thousands of the same ID.

Not sure if the same is for Diablo where your loot / items that are picked up off the ground generate a unique ID on the back end. I’d assume it would be the case of every item gets a unique ID and duped items ID would remain the same as the original source item.

Even if it is something like that, all you have to do is look at trade activity volume by account, look at the higher numbers, and now you have a narrower set of accounts you can flag and watch. When the bulk of materials go consistently outward from specific accounts that narrows it down even more.

oh my! hahaha that made me spit my coffee thru my nose ahahha

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I do that and they remove my comment LOL

welll it might not be our responsibility, but i guess its easy to just report these things? or would you say we need something more invasive than the blizzard warden?

I don’t want invasive DRM type software making the gaming experience worse for everyone in an attempt to punish a minority.
I want blizzard to resolve the underlying issues that allow players to dupe/glitch/cheat.
The problem is their game allows people to cheat, not that it allows cheaters to play.

well, every game has its bugs and things that can be exploited. the more popular a game is, the bigger the market for rmt for example. so whats wrong with just reporting exploits?

Pretty sure they figured out how to xfer eternal sruff to seasonal.

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The only problem with #5 is you’d pick up mules and legitimate traders in the scan as well.

I personally enjoy a bit of inefficient trading now and then. Someone wants 1 egg for 2 shards? Sold! Someone else wants 2 shards for 1 egg? Sold! Overtime I just end up sitting on a stack of mats.

Also problem with #3 is you could make Duriel 2x harder, HOTA still takes down…but then every other class especially nerfed rogue would be in a bit of a problem.

of course they will. i mean its their business ^^

There’s something funky about online checking. When i was installing s3 patch, 5 gigs unbenouned to me the internet went out yet i was still able to make character and started playing. Literally the router was resetting. I think that could be a clue.

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I agree. However, For play station, you only buy one game on a main account linked to that playstation. You can make infinite secondary accounts on that PlayStation and they all have access to that 1 game bought. So it doesn’t matter how many blizz bans, they just keep making new accounts.

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Why can’t Blizzard put those mats in the materials tab? Problem solved.

Really hope Microsoft fired the right people in Blizzard so maybe we can get some proper changes without waiting 1 year.

nothing is wrong with reporting exploits. it’s something that should be done.

But if I’m paying a company for access to a service, i don’t want to be expected to become an unpaid part of the companies quality control team.

It wouldn’t take down mules. You can very easily see if a player gains materials at an unnatural rate. There is a difference between having a lot of materials and gaining them suddenly (not through just moving in inventories).

As far as scaling is concerned, this needs to be address across the board so one shots on either the player or enemy side do not really happen. Bosses especially should never be one shot or even near it.

Are they asking for 100x rotations or are they offering 25 sets for a grand total of everyone getting 100 runs cause of rotations? Because from personal experience if you focus solely on gathering mats you can save up 25 sets in two days. Now with Helltides being up all the time it would be even easier.

even with a quality control team, these things can happen. + we dont even know if they got one or dont.

dont get me wrong, i absolutely dont like these things to happen, but we also shouldnt act like… you know: we paid 70 bucks, thus we can expect a live service game that doesnt ever have bugs or exploits etc and enjoy it for 5 years+ . in this case, id suggest diablo removes the shop and just takes a monthly fee for example.