Day 2… where is my WASD movement?

Come on blizzard, I hate spam mouse clicking movement


Get over it. These types of games dont have wasd.


Wrong. Diablo immortal literally has it and it
is so good

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Why do you care? If you don’t like WASD movement don’t use it?


They already said it wouldn’t be here on launch. It will probably be implemented some time in the future.

Launch was yesterday.

So WASD could and should be released today

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That’s not how any of this works.


If they have time to nerf barbs and rogues, they have time to implement WASD

So you’re just a troll then, got it.


Just ignore and report. Trolls be trolls. It will get added when it gets added, if it gets added. Coming on here crying about it?

I wouldn’t want to add it to the game because people like you.

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Me too. I bound spacebar to force move so I can just hold space down and character follows cursor.

If you’re clicking to move, you’re doing it wrong. Set a force move key.

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Can you explain your set up?

They have wasd in diablo immortal

Honestly I thought wasd would be bad but after playing immortal it’s hard to go back to pure mouse, especially in scenarios where you have to attack, step, attack repeatedly.

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What are you, nine years old?

“Not on launch” typically means “not until the first, second, or third major post-launch patch”.

Season 1 maybe. Season 2 probably. Season 3 if not.

IOW, it might be a YEAR before you see it.

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In case you have been living under a rock D:! is a crappy Gacha P2W mobile game that they ported to PC only after severe backlash. It is also just modified d3.5 assets thrown on existing NetEase code. Get over it WASD is not coming any time soon if at all.

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where is my WASD movement?

Were you living under a rock for the past 4 years, no WASD at launch.

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DI is a mobile game and WASD is the closest they can get to the toggles on a controller. So, since D4 is a PC game, it translates from there.

Launch is Monday June 5th… we are playing early access