Damage reduction

Sounds like you don’t know jack sh and simply came here to troll. Silence, child. Go eat your cereal like a good boy.

Hit a nerv there. Sounds like he needs more damage reduction for the forums lol


You seem like a super nice chap.

I could be wrong, but in Wudis first PTR livestream there was at least 1 item where you could roll DR. Was it the amulet slot? Plz correct me if I’m wrong.

Beside that, shako offers 20 DR.
Tyraels rolls with 10 DR, 15 if GA. That is before MW.
And then there is doombringer for some classes with a 20 DR debuff on mobs.
Can also roll might affix with 20 DR after a basic skill.

Air is thin, but there are still some possibilities.

They removed DR stats and made monsters 1 shot you :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Blizz is trolling us


Just added this in another section if you go to the link it is formatted better.

Not enough. Chars, chars…

Except that’s not the case, about 90% of DR you’ll get comes from Aspects

They might need to be “unlocked” first but they’re 100% reliable all the time

Was it a reason to remove it completely ?

Life, life per hit, life per second, softcore, fun, testing. Seasonal mechanic may include dr, but I wouldn’t count on it much.

You get some from tempering alomg with aspects and gear can also roll dr stats. There is also the uncommon Tyrael’s Might. If you go glass cannon you will get 1 shot like a glass canon.


I don’t mind rare, I mind impossible. I’ve yet to see any players acquire this affix on anything outside Uniques that have it automatically.

Ok, since I played Sorc let me present my case:

  • Snowguard => 25% DR while under Blizzard

Now initially didn’t go for Blizzard (neither cold for that matter), wanted to go for full Stun and Conjuration, BUT got 5 mana/sec on my Boots or Gloves whatever, so don’t need the Basic skill equipped (and alongside with that don’t need Hectic either)

Blizzard also has RCR while active so that’s basically a Generator for later in the game :smiley:

Then you have the following aspects:

  • Concentration = probably the most OP of them all gain DR while Conjuration active

Then you have Juggernaut, but that’s not a problem with Boots with 3 evades

Then you have Passives on Sorc - gain DR after spending 100 mana

Soo yeah, might not even need Tyrael’s Might cause just by having Snowguard 25%, Concetration 35% and 9% reduction from the Passive (Elemental Atunement was it ?) => that’s 69% DR in 2 Aspects and a Passive

Possible to get more ?, probably, but is it necessary ?, again - probably depends on the Class but can’t help but feel that Aspects are both - too powerful and too reliable alone by themselves (especially for DR :slight_smile: )

With all that DR you have, do you get 1 shot in The Pit Tier 200? just go do a test and stand still for Boss

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It wad noce in S3 having a sorc with armor cap, res cap, fortify and bubbles on cooldown.

I havnt played around enough with the PTR but most who QQ about being 1 shot strictly go glass cannon and wonder why they have survival issues.

Im torn tho between the necro and sorc for S4. All the masterworking for CT area is ridiculous lol.

Atm you get once shotted through Armor and resists caps. You basically have to roll max life on every piece and cap armor(juggernaut is plenty now with armor% being temperable) and then you might be able to survive one hit from a boss. Making Arc Lash for example unplayable at higher tiers.

They are multiplicative, not additive.

So you have 1 - [(1-0.25) * (1-0.35) * (1-0.09)] = 0.55, or 55% damage reduction.

It’s still chonky DR!

Nah you just need friends to help you theory craft and lots of reading. HMU if you need help bud!

You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. DO NOT listen to this guy. He’s wrong.

K… prove it wrong if you wish to level an accusation.

I’m also not a guy. So carry on being wrong (again).