Damage bug on pit bosses (and monsters?)

If you don’t die vs the boss in pit, you do 1/10 (maybe less) of your damages.
You die, you do regular damages.
Seems same vs monsters but random. Damages are unconsistent.

Video : https://youtu.be/bHQam-T1Mbc


Also experiencing this. In fact, after I killed the boss on the 2nd attempt, it did not drop any loot. I can’t say for sure if this is true for normal and elite monsters in the dungeon, but for bosses they are unkillable until you die and respawn.

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Same thing with NMD Bosses. Their health barely moves but if you die and do it, they die way faster. They also seem to be doing some insane amount of damage to my Rogue even though I should be tankier with the changes.

I observed the exact same. Before I died, I did some damage (less than on the current live game if I’m not mistaken), but after I died and re-started the boss fight, the boss just melted.

Here’s a recording: https://youtu.be/1Dc-lbiPkdE

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I came here to post this

So this is how we have to FARM masterworking mats on PTR, where we are supposed to test stuff, instead of farm? LOOOOL Blizzard rules!

Same for me 20 characters

It’s actually a known issue:

It didn’t dawn on me that “when a player respawns and re-enters” applies to “when a player dies and respawns”.

Seeing this in NMDs too.

Ok, that’s weirdly phrased. The boss are supposed to get SO MUCH hp then ? If the issue is that health decreases when we die that’s what it means.

As per PezRadar’s more recent post, “HP will be tweaked down for the Season 5 release.” So it seems as if the inital Boss HP is too high.

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