Corpse Explosion - Miasma too dark when superimposed - Player invisible

Corpse Explosion Miasma is a great skill, but when superimposed (multiple layers), it is so dark that the character cannot be seen.

Lots of Miasma makes Necro invisible.

Darker than Vanta Black.


I heard someone mention this, but that looks awful.

Came here looking for this topic! Miasma is too dark especially with multiple pools. Can barely see poison and warnings of attacks on the ground when any necro in the group is using miasma. God help if there’s more than 1. Make this stuff more see through please!


pls fix this.
I feel bad for people playing with me if I put the mobs into the darkness.
I don’t see any mobs or mechanics or anything but I know I’m doing it.
Everyone else just has to suffer from bad visibility because of me.


That could be a feature.

Miasma makes enemies blind.


The team has a fix for this that will be coming in a larger patch later this month. Sorry about this and thanks for the heads up on these reports!


Thank you! Any plans to add a player above-head health bar option with that large patch? It would be really helpful for me to see my hp this way, I don’t really see why this isn’t an option, like the tab map we had. Hopefully you guys can add these features soon enough.

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Thank you for addressing this. The sooner this can be changed the better. Will hold off on playing my necro until then.

Later this month? Why is this not being hot fixed asap?
This is a game breaking bug, and Necromancers are now usually avoided for groups as a result of this bug.

I wouldn’t even try playing with a Necro as a hardcore player.

Please consider a fix sooner then weeks from now.


Agreed, should be hotfixed asap…

Friends I group with don’t even want to group, let alone not being able to see any ground effects.


This issue has been reported literaly month ago. In several threads.
“fast fix” is not exactly accurate statement. Especially when it will take another week or two for the patch to drop.

All of this just to revert a visual change that was implemented sometimes between open beta and server slam (because it was fine before ss).

Fair enough. Didn’t play necromancer then. Hadn’t heard about it. I deleted comment.

This should be a hot fix and not a several week wait for a patch. Nothing like missing mechanics because you simply can’t see them. Had something explode from the darkness and kill me, still no idea what it was. Trying to pick up blood orbs blindly is also super fun.

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I support this notion, it should be patched asap it’s basically a death trap…

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Don’t nerf it though! It is already almost impossible to play necro end game! Meanwhile Druid, Barb and Rogue are one shotting everything!

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Oh no, I didn’t think about that.

“We have fixed visibility issues with overlapping miasmas from Blighted Corpse Explosion. You can now have active only one miasma at a time.”

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They will probably use the same FX as Rogue’s Poison Trap :
Only highlighting the boundaries, with more or less transparency.

I’m going to be honest. This one issue is actually ruining my enjoyment of the entire game. If they nerf it to the point where it’s not stackable, after already making it unusable in groups since early release, I think that would kill the whole game for me.

Ive tried so many builds trying to enjoy playing necro in D4 and it just doesn’t feel as fun. The whole reason blighted corpse explosion is useful is because combining it with blight allows us to keep damage going while we spam our skeleton heals. It’s the only way I’ve found to not have to spend time resurrecting skeletons. As it currently stands, without doing this, we have to sacrifice skeletons to be effective and that just doesn’t feel like a necromancer. It feels like a gutted sorc


Later this month… What a joke. The ruins the game completly. I got 2 friend who play necro and don’t want to reroll since they already invested to much. So now we can not play together. Later this month, bunch of jokers

I came here to post about this. I was playing with my buddy and we just get lost in the effect and it’s super annoying. This really needs to be fixed ASAP and not “later this month”