PC players are the same they just have a smaller screen. Also you can play on PC with a controller.
Thanks for reading… o know it was a long post haha…
Yeah i hear ya…
Not really tryin to say that its 100% that way… i know there are deff cross over players…
Im more of the hardcore side i just like a big screen and comfy couch haha and deff split screen now.
And yes playin with a controller feels way better and responsive for me…
I cant really stand MnK … props to those who can
I just think most old school diablo players are on PC since they are used to mouse n keyboard from D1 and D2. And want to stick to that…
Or they invested into a really good PC so I understand…
Just we need a nore efficient way to get feedback to devs so they can work on properly improve things rather than constant bickering circles haha…
I “work” on my laptop and I prefer playing with a controller to give my hands a break.
Also a nice OLED big screen.
The only drawback is forming groups which is made more convenient with party finder. But still I used to play WOW and D3 on PC and, joining several discords a day for META grinding like Rat Runs etc. and PUGS pick up group raiding in WOW. That was so convenient on PC.
But overall I feel like Diablo IV was made for console and PC equally.
That being said. Yeah I have gotten a little more casual in old age (38) and I feel like console (Xbox) does in fact cater to me as a casual. It’s intangible but I welcome the casual mindset although I have an aspiring goal to 100% the game which means I need Paragon 300. But rather than go HAM for two weeks and quit, I plan to schedule time each week to play and slowly creep up and end the season at Paragon 300 and get that 100%, for bragging rights on X . Com for 57 views on my post lol.
To touch on your topic of separation of discussion. I can see why you proposed this. Sometimes though I feel like the “real” discussion and announcements are made on the PC forums and I feel left out, not able to reply. If we could get ALL / More console players on the forum and make console discussions equally participated in, then yeah. But, I’m actually wanting to post on the PC discussion to be honest.
Yeah i try to post around in diff forumns on various topics to try and reach a broader audience.
Its hard trying to reach the right audience without so much negativity and hate.
I post something on Sorc tab about cool creative Sorc skills…
then ya get people coming into sorc tab just to complain about sorcs…
Haha like why ya here …
Or ya just get ppl complainin about devs or about your cool idea rather than build upon with their suggestions to help developement…
I mean whatever haha…
I love the game, im just tryin to help inprove the game… i like seeing it evolve…
People are so narrowminded and think that just complaining and pouting will get what they want…