Combustion fix?

:100: :+1: Great Info

For some build, Crit damage are better choice than Vulnerable damage, especially burn build that use meteor, that’s a double dip on crit damage stats.

Correct. The node is indeed working.
Edit: Burning Instinct that is.

Combustion was supposed to be hotfixed some days ago, but when i hover over, it says skill not learned or whtever. It that just a tooltip error? Does anyone know if Combustion is actually working?

Mine no longer states " not learned"; but I couldn’t tell if it boosted dmg when I briefly tested. It does not have an indicator that I noticed and didn’t affect the base dmg on char. sheet.

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People say it is working. During my own testing I really didn’t see any noticeable difference in Burn ticks that could be consistently replicated. My Burn build doesn’t Burn any more efficiently with or without Combustion.

I’m of the mindset that the bonus is so minuscule in quantity that it’s more about stacking the passive with all of your other +Burn damage that gives you the noticeable increase.

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It’s really hard to say. Damage varies widely by application. You could throw a firewall against a monster and do 2500 per tick. You could target another monster of the same name and level and it would do 2200 per tick, even if you’re in the same situation (full life, no barrier, no other enemy burning, etc.).

It’s hard to test without a dps meter or dummy which they don’t seem to keen on adding.

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Gotta love that tooltip on the loading screen that says damage overtime cannot crit but won’t have any damage variance.


A DPS meter would be absolutely amazing. :pray: :prayer_beads: :palms_up_together:

Definitely was not functioning properly, they fixed it in the latest patch. Might want to check your calculation.

Fixed an issue where the Burning Instinct power on the Sorcerer Paragon board did not account for Base Critical Damage in its damage calculation.

It was working though. Sure, it probably wasn’t working as intended (the base 50% wasn’t counted then, but there is no way to know if that was intended or not), but the other part was.

I had 282% from that node back then, and my calculation was on point. The only reason people saw 0 was because they had 0 critical damage on their gear or paragon. In other words, the node was working fine, except for the base 50% critical damage which wasn’t calculated.

So in all, it’s the exact same calculation now, but they include the base 50% so that anyone could benefit from that node now, which is neat.

Sir, that is quite a contradiction you just stated here.