Cant Login to Diablo 4 trade with

I try to login on at to but nothing happens

same here, did u find any solution ?

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You guys realize Blizzard has nothing to do with that trade site right? They can’t fix your problem.


Same problem here after dc on the site…

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same here… :persevere: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

Is it safe logging into this site? I don’t want to put in my info for a website that isn’t Blizzard. Are we just taking them at their word they don’t get your info? It says it’s an authorization and it doesn’t get shared but that’s what I would say if I wanted to steal peoples info lol.

Site is awful. Its not even beta. Its got hundreds or even thousands of bugs. Just awful but that is our trade experience until AH comes. And Yes I am blocked out as well. Connection isnt set right or some BS like that.

Yes. Same for me. Also, starting yesterday i could not highlight and copy someones battletag in order to find them in game…

I hope they develop something in game for trade. The current situation isn’t very good.

Would be hilarious if it was a scam.
But presumably they shouldn’t be able to take any account that have an Authenticator.

For anyone interested in how it all works. So the login should be legitimate even if it’s on a third party site.

Now it seems you will have to contact Blizzard before putting it on your site, and probably form a contract with Blizzard. What that contract entails, if there’s a specific amount of time it’s allowed for, etc. no one but Blizzard and the site makers would know.

However, again, Blizzard can’t give you any details. You would have to ask the people who own that website.

I still can’t log in to with my battletag… i press the button to log in with my battletag account and … nothing happens.

I wonder if the site owner knows, that a scroll wheel exists for a reason.

now this shady website has yall’s blizzard login token :wink: they just need to put AI on it for a decade and yall are screwed xD

jkjk… am i?

There was another of these .trade sites for PoE back in the day. GGG eventually had to solve the problem of the site running RMT ads and redirecting to malware. Would have thought Blizzard would have been in the know and would have created their own version of the official PoE trading site or an AH, but here we are. It can’t be a matter of labor or complexity either. The official trade site for PoE is managed by one guy at GGG as a side task and he has said it is only a day or so of work each league to get it updated.

You are authenticating with, not the site. I use it and did many trades already. Very well made but has some performance issues atm.

hmm… i keep trying to press the Login with Battlenet Account button but it does not seem to log me in…

Edit: Cleared cache and cookies and then i could log in finally.

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Clearing cache and cookies worked for me also. First I did 1 hour only but realized I was on the site last Season so just did “All Time”. Worked straight away.