Can't change resolution

How is this still an issue? They released a huge patch and didn’t re-enable a setting that is in virtually every game that has ever been released in the existence of PC gaming.

Looks that way.
Really losing a lot of respect for this company tbh.
Game according to many reports has memory leaks and many flat out can’t play every patch.

And apparently, they can’t even re-enable a feature that they themselves turned off.

I bet season one makes it out the door in time though…

You can just adjust the render scale slider to below 100% or turn on DLSS. DLSS is the better looking option. They didn’t remove fullscreen. DirectX 12 doesn’t have an exclusive fullscreen mode that funnels resources to the game like in previous versions of the API.

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its not really the point though its a basic feature :confused: should be there day one out of the door

What CommandoCat is saying is the game would have to support something other than DX12 which it does not. Therefore, no exclusive full screen mode as it is not supported by DX12

PC system requirements:

So what was the mode they were using in the beta before removing it?

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EXACTLY THIS ^^^^. For me it was day 1 and the game ran perfect, the next day I logged on and it ran like trash and I could not change resolution in game. It CAN be changed in game because it was in the beta so hearing this nonsense about dx12 makes no sense.

If I recall correctly there was a patch that was rolled out prior to going live after beta or after server slam that disabled full screen mode due to crashing related to full screen mode.

As far as resolution I can only answer that it can be changed if you change your windows desktop resolution (crappy adjustment), or you can play in regular windowed mode and change the size of the window.

The above patch is probably what changed what you remember. Unfortunately, I think this is what it is for the foreseeable future.

Jumping in to say I’m experiencing this as well (URL to my post at the bottom). Black bars on the sides when in Windowed (Fullscreen) mode, Windowed mode breaks mouse tracking and clicks aren’t accurate, can’t set the resolution in either mode because it’s greyed out, what gives?

Yea, the whole issue is a load of crap.
I am sorry for being blunt, but it really is.

They had it at one time then took it out, and i for one never had any issues with it.

I am curious as to why they won’t even talk about it, if they are not gonna re-enable it, why is part of the feature iirc still in the game…

It’s pretty unprofessional of them not to address a missing feature that we know existed and was removed for no other reason than it was causing “some” people issues.

I am again not trying to be mean, but this attitude towards their fans and consumers gets on my nervs.

It’s a big deal for some of us, and it wouldn’t take them that much time to drop by and talk about it, it’s not like we are asking for some xp nerf or some other fomo item to be addressed, it’s a missing FEATURE…

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From what I can tell, this might only affect a subset of users (people with ultrawide monitors) and that might be why they’re not prioritizing it, I haven’t been able to find many other people complaining about it. Regardless, I hope that there’s a fix soon, it’s frustrating and surprising that D4 is the only game this happens with, even indie games with no budget can get resolution right, you know?


Adding some context here, I have a Samsung Odyssey G9 (32:9 aspect ratio), for everyone else experiencing this issue, what monitor(s) do you have?

Same – Samsung G9. Also, I can’t adjust the ‘render resolution’ slider, no matter what I do.

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Anyone else? If you still can’t adjust resolution, what are your specs, what monitor are you using?


Sorry for the confusion here. Diablo IV does not offer a fullscreen mode, the resolution box being grayed out is under investigation. Note the game only supports 9:21 not 9:32 so you will see black bars on both sides of the Samsung G9 unless you play in Windowed
mode at certain screen sizes. Resolution Percentage can’t be changed if you have FidelityFX Super Resolution 2 options selected. If you set, “FidelityFX Super Resolution 2” to None, then Resolution Percentage should allow to make adjustments. If it’s not doing with the selections made, make sure to bug report that over on our Bug Report forums.

Thank you.

Are there any updates to this? I use borderless gaming to resize the window within my G9, but with the resolution STILL being greyed out, it breaks it and makes my mouse off from where it actually is. This is the ONLY game it happens to.

Putting the game in windowed mode doesn’t allow you to change resolution. The options are still grayed out. I can’t even select between monitors.

Edit: Aparently if you click windowed, you have to click submit, and then you have to resize the windows manually by dragging them around on screen. Definitely need the ability to choose a resolution / fps limit like every other indie / AAA game typically comes baked with.

Well I have the same issue. I want to change my resolution like in every other game?!
D2 and D3 it worked perfectly. Why is Blizzard not working on that???

I have laptop…So you are wrong from the very first sentence

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