I recently purchased diablo 4 vessel if hatred bundle on xbox.
After looking through the cosmetics and buying the required platinum, i learned that the shop will not allow me to purchase anything related to the vessel of hatred expansion.
I have made and am currently playing the spiritborn class, but for some reason the shop doesnt think i own the expansion. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it didnt help.
Does anyone have any further insight?
Did you buy the D4 base game and VoH. Bundle or just VoH by itself?
I got the bundle and am in the same boat. The shop only recognizes the ultimate and deluxe edition of the dlc and not the standard, despite it being downloaded and the whole rest of the game and DLC working fine.
It’s all on their end for thos one so we have to wait for them to fix it.
I bought the version that contained both.
It sucks that i have all this platinum that is just useless for me now. Im not really interested in cosmetics for classes that i wont have time to play.
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Yeah this sucks. Just got an update today and still not fixed. I want that damn shop outfit for the character i’m playing now. They need to stop ignoring the issue and do something. At least let us know what’s going on.
This is still an issue 2025 now. I also bought the bundle edition, and I’m locked out from buying any store items for the new expansion. It tells me to “Purchase Vessel ___”