Cannot Log In - Unable to find valid license for Diablo 4 (Code 315306)

They don’t do that anymore because of piracy and people hacking the client.

So outside of the fact the game shouldn’t be online only, you cna actually-maybe- get in if you wait. My que time went from 3 minites to 12 to 15, but after coming back from a 15 minute workout it did let me in.

I tried to get Diablo4 offline mode, it will not happen for years, if at all. I would love to play %100 solo and just chill out too.

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i dont have que time, it just says invalid game client FML

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This is a poor excuse tbh, there are countless game out right now with no forced online. Many of them have online options even. It’s blizzard being all petty about this and that and hurting honest customers.

Also i doubt people would pirate as much if the game was better. Gabe Newell once said “piracy is often a convenience issue not a money issue”

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Login server didn’t work. Also in the twitch stream i watch over thousands ppls can’t login.

Ok ok, I will go fix the freakin server, give me like 3 mins

I don’t care! Nobody cares! Also that’s not true. Offline means no access to the shop. That’s the only reason D4 is always online, to sell you more overpriced garbage, after already buying a 90$ game.


Fun fact…if any one remembers the disaster known as “outriders” a forced online server killed their whole game. Its crashed and wouldn’t let people in for ages, accidentally deleted their characters loot. All under the child-like excuse from the devs of “we don’t want people cheating…in our pVe non competitive game”

hehe it´s 08:52 in the morning here and you are right - i´ll go make a new put of coffee - hope to see you all in there soon :slight_smile:

Naw, we can have the shop still work Via the bnet client and in game, even if you are playing in offline mode.

You dont even know how timezones work, i don’t envy your place :rofl:,

i work aswell, it’s sunday, the only time of the week where many are able to play perhaps, during the week i don’t even mind diablo, stop assuming because you just fail and make yourself look like a fool, thanks

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It’s under investigation. They will fix it soon^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

I did almost everything such as DNS, modem, internet, WTF, WTB, WTH, pissed off and error to my self; i warn you blizz just don’t try to tell me to check my god damn hardware and connections; i remind you to the day which we are trying to login and time ofc. We did not eat god damn breakfast yet and trying to log in and put the things better; being your nephilims and servers shutdown ? to day ? realy ? you should observe your bugs etc. in working days maybe ? what was the critical situation that you couldnt manage ? hackers ?

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Is the reason why many companies require software to be online. If people can pirate something they will and save a few bucks.

The shop is another reason. I hate that I can’t play the game right now too, but I know the reasons that they require it to be online. We can “not care” or “not like it” all we want, but it is how the game was made.

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Do you work for Blizzard? because you are talking as if you do. I know why Diablo is online only right now, and it is not beause of “greedy greed shop sales, pirated games reeee”


Doesn’t matter, garbage reason.

You didn’t see elden ring- you know the game of the year- require online only, even with an option to do online stuff.

You didn’t see monster hunter- another loot grind game- do it either

Both those games sold amazingly, piracy or not, and are held in much higher regard than diablo4

So no excuse, just childish devs and management

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Then there is literally 0 reason for the game to be always online


I am not at liberty to tell anyone why, but the game is less than a month into launch, things will get better and more stable soon.