Can Someone Please Explain To Me What Economy There Is In D4?

Show up to a legion, world boss or helltide maiden where out the 6 players present 5 are bots. Not sure about you personally but it ruins my experience, and I suspect many others. And don’t try the “how do you know they are bots” or “you should report them” BS. It is obvious they are bots and when you report them 10 more take their place.

Then you add in the drop rates on certain items are ridiculously low that many (not all) are forced to trade in some way to get the resources needed to enjoy playing without endless farming and grinding.

The biggest clown show in all of this is the fix is simple yet it is ignored.

Intention of devs it to allow sharing or you literally couldnt do it. I dont even know what to say on how dumb your view is. Sharing altars is cheating. Oh man! That is the best joke all week I have heard. :joy:


This is so eloquently written and true. Thumbs up.

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Thank you very much!

I assure you the developers did not intend for people to join a random person in a cave well over the party limit of 4 to grant access to a seasonal element.

That doesn’t even …

The Only Economy in D4 is Blizzards Selling people Over Priced Trash Cosmetics


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Shows how much you know as you cant share it infinitely. It has a limit. Its either 4 or 5. It would have been ultra simple to disallow sharing of these by only allowing them in pits or only allowing 1 use. But they dint. They wanted ppl to share these. All the evidence points to this way.

No, the evidence points to the idea that they wanted dedicated parties to share it. You and your homies were supposed to start together and play together and benefit. You and random strangers who you spoke to on Reddit who just so happened to show up after you made a post saying, “I found one!” wasn’t the plan.

Well lets even say u are right and they did not mean to have altars sharable in parties that did not start together. It still would not be cheating to do so. That would be a bug and ppl taking advantage of a bug happens in basically every build in the game because this game does not work 100%. Cheating would require the ppl to somehow be causing the bug to happen when it otherwise would not and then taking advantage.

Like what happened when ppl found a way to bug out season and eternal realms and move items in a specific sequence of actions or all the ppl duping items and gems and runes or exploiting tempers to +18 resolve stacks. That is cheating.

That’s a fancy way of saying, “an exploit”, and using exploits is … cheating.

Don’t worry about this.

Bro half this game is bugged so anyone who made a SB and choose vicious shield in s6 was exploiting?

All the sorcs using Ball lighting in s2 were exploiting?

You gotta be kidding me with this logic.

Exploits are bannable. By your logic 99.99% of the playerbase was exploiting and should be banned.

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This is simple:
Blizz created Grinding Game for addicted people.

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the bugged (dup) of gold / items is a good facility for money laundering activity.

person A exploits the dup bug to generate unlimited in-game currency.
person A can have multiple accounts acting as ‘customers’ to buy the in-game currency.
person A’s illegal money gets cleaned effectively by making it look like legitimate gaming transactions.

scale this up by adding more operators and running it 24/7.

As of season 7 the economy seems to revolve around runes and gems. If that’s the issue you are referring to.

The cosmetics in D4 look way better than the ones in Last Epoch and Path of Exile so quit complaining. Unless you are partly blind or you have a very cheap GPU with low graphics setting, then you probably missed something.

The ONLY Cosmetics ‘I’ Ever bought were pets! And only ones that

Appealed to me, That was in PoE 1 & 2. D4’s cosmetics are :yawning_face:

As for Last Epoch’s OR D4’s cosmetics and which is better? Who really

Give’s a flying…I know ‘I’ DON’T! Maybe if they actually had

Something that appealed to someone with good taste…But they

Don’t and I really doubt they ever will. So go find someone who actually

Wants to buy that awful :poop: I know it doesn’t interest me at all and

Yes PoE 1’s & 2’s cosmetics except for a few of the pets are just as bad.

I do grant you this D3’s, D4’s pets at least pick up stuff making them

Useful however that’s really the only area where Buzzards doing

Anything to help the player ATM. For instance they’ve done nothing to

Fix the memory issue afflicting not just the Diablo series,

But Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, Overwatch

And some people were charging gold for use of the altar. I know that wasn’t intended.

By your own definition, any activity that can be done more efficiently through means of grouping is cheating. If I carry a friend through boss runs, or some one boosts me through a 90+ pit right as I hit 60, or even just infernal hordes while grouping, do you see where this argument is leading?

I’m sorry I just don’t see it. If it was the devs intention to not allow people to piggy back off of each other in any content, this would be a single player game instead.