Bug in Chapter 5 seasonal quest

There is a quest in Chapter 5 called
“A boon in the tide” the objective is to open 1 tortured gift any type during hell tide.
I open many type of chess during hell tide but why it’s still not completed?
Is this a bug ?

i have the same problem! what do we do?

I don’t know hahaha. hope they will fix this cause I can’t move to the next chapter

I have the exact same problem. It also took me two or three Tortured Gifts of Mystery to complete the mission that required them before it cleared the mission.

Since moving up to chapter 5 I’ve been in at least four or five Helltides, opened maybe a total of five or six chests, all of different types - no luck.

Since I don’t do Playstation Plus I can’t do PVP, so I’m basically stuck unable to move up due to this and another issue with a different chapter mission.

I have this issue on PS5 as well. I’ve gathered cinders in 2 different helltides, one on version 1.1.0 and one on version 1.1.1 and opening any chest doesn’t give the credit. I’ve opened about 4 or 5 between the different helltides and still no credit.

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same issue for me on PS5, super annoying to be stuck on this chapter due to an issue on blizzard’s end. please fix!

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Yep dealing with this issue on xbox too which is preventing me from moving onto the next chapter. It’s ridiculous and will probably never be fixed

Yeah, it’s been a bug on both consoles—at least, not sure if it’s on PC too—since the start of the season. It’s not fixed with 1.1.1. You don’t need all the items to complete the chapter, but you probably won’t be able to get this one, unless someone has found a chest that awards it somewhere. I’ve tried dozens to see if any certain one might trigger it, but it’s never triggered. Luckily the chest of mysteries one does work, although that one is harder to get, but at least they fixed the drop rate with the currency.

You have to do 11 quests in this chapter to progress and there’s only 11 to do, boon of the tide being one of them. You sure about that?

I have the same problem on Xbox. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

You only have to complete 9 of the 11 to get the award and start on the next chapter. At the bottom left it tells you how many you need. I believe every chapter requires you to complete all but two of the items to receive the award and you get a half-badge for the chapter and it will start giving you awards for completed items in the next chapter. I’d personally still like it fixed as it’s bugged for me and I’m a completionist personally.

Still having this issue today after doing yet another helltide. Opened 2 crates and got no reward for it in season event.