[BUG] Fury against fate

I’m also running into the same issue and commenting here hoping that someone at Blizzard can be asked to look into this.
There is also an entire thread here aHR0cHM6Ly9nYW1lOC5jby9nYW1lcy9EaWFibG8tNC9hcmNoaXZlcy80MTQzNTAvY29tbWVudHMj (base64 encoded cause links are not allowed in here) with even more people running into the same bug with a bunch of different attempts to work around it. However I can’t seem to get this working in any way.

Since Mills confirmed that nothing works and I did not find anything else to test:
most likely a broken transition of state in the quest or some rule is broken (which prevents the NPCs/quest from continueing)

I guess we have to wait for confirmation. Either from Blizzard(1) or in one of the threads about the problem. Or we can test it from time to time.

(1) Somebody included a link in one of the threads to a page that said Blizzard is working on it.

I only need it for a category in the achievements. :man_shrugging:

It is still broken, I tried every “fix” but she just won’t move.

It is impressive that blizzard can “hotfix” Dungeons and characters on a daily basis but an 11 day old bug somehow is still here.

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Also running into this now on my necro. - confirmed after 10+ tries, abandoning quest, logging out, resetting area, leading mobs to them etc… does nothing. Event/quest is broke.

Hey, same issuse here ;/ Can’t do anything.

So… this getting addressed, or…?

Blizzard will most likely not answer (here).
I have not seen an official announcement [need to find that page again where they answered because there were too many threads in the forum - does not show up in my Google search]
or a patch note (Diablo IV Patch Notes — Diablo IV — Blizzard News).
And it is “only” blocking unimportant progress.

Guess we will have to wait a while. There are more important bugs to fix?

Still broken, cannot complete, they just stand there in the cave picking their noses.

I saw a solution posted elsewhere that worked for me. An indication that the quest is currently bugged is that the gate is targetable before you talk to Ealda. So use the following steps.

  1. Enter cave (regardless of event outside the cave)
  2. BEFORE talking to Ealda, check gate to see if it is targetable (will have a health bar)
  3. If the gate is targetable then leave the cave then Leave game and log back in (not exit game).
  4. Repeat steps above until gate it not targetable.
  5. Once the Gate is not targetable then talk to Ealda.
  6. After her speech the group of npcs should run the now targetable gate and the quest will proceed.

This may talk multiple relogs. Took myself about 10-20 myself. Seen others state even more. Though for me the first time the gate was not targetable was when the quest worked correctly.

Hope this helps others until an actually fix is made to the quest.


Above solution worked for me on the 4th try.

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Thank you this worked for me

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This needs a fix. Just tried this today several times and nothing works. Saw a page that had a very convoluted strategy that involved dropping difficulty levels and stuff, but not willing to try it as it is absurd. Would rather this mission just worked correctly the first time.

I tried this 10 times today. ~7 times when I tried the things that came to mind.
So 17 times. And no luck with the gate.

I’ll stop for now because
a) I can wait - only achievements for this char
b) Blizzard might fix it - then it will take only a few minutes
c) I want to be careful with relogging that often
d) in that time I could have run 2 dungeons

the quest is still busted for me as well

Thank you man, this worked for me! :+1:

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Quest is still not working correctly.

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Still not working. I realize there is a 9h old post about it, but I don’t care. 2 weeks is too long for something silly as this, so spam it is.

Can confirm this worked after 6 tries.

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Same … issue … filed another bug report. I am not sure if forums are a good form to track bugs …

Finally worked for me after about 20 times of checking to see if gate has health. Quest outside doesn’t matter. Regardless this should have been patched already