Bug - Druid Self Kill => HC Character lost

Character: Duos, 51 Druid, Hardcore
Slain by: Unknown Killer
World Tier 1

I have no idea what recently happened. An event finished, message log showed “Duos was killed by Duos”, say goodbye for now apparent reason. The event was rescue citizens from spider cocoons. They were rescued, I cleared out the remaining mobs, game over. Did the chest fall on his head or what?

Build relies on fortify; since I passed lvl 50, I did not meet anything in this world tier that could oneshot my druid.

I am just a regular gamer, I don’t keep a video stream on file… I never encountered a plain or open word elite mob that has such an incredible death explosion. But even if so, that does not explain why the game told me my druid killed himself. I am entirely unaware of any skill (especially the used ones) that would consume own hp.

Do we have a local combat log or anything similar? Perhaps I missed something. But so far this feels like unintended game behavior. In that case I happily provide what I can to identify the error and want my character revived. His journey ended before his time. And despite what he has experienced, he was not suicidal (yet).

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Same thing happened to me. Lvl 75 barb. Could afk in t4. Killed himself. Like actually slain by himself. Have a screenshot.

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Hey guys,

same here yesterday with a 62 Druid on WT3. Sorry for your loss :confused:

Had it on a massive 7667 HP Overpower Blood Necro build at L70. Wasn’t in danger. Few mobs around. Cast Blood Lance and died. Slain by myself (Softcore tho). There were 2 thrash mobs in front of me but I can’t recall their type.

I’ve seen this once or twice on softcore as well. I think it comes from the negative affix on some NM dungeon sigils which cause the monsters to have thorns. Thorns does a percentage reflect of non-physical damage.

Would have been nice if that were true. However, as far as I can tell from lists only players can get Thorns bonuses. There is no negative Affix with a thornslike effect. Also Thorn works differently: it doesn’t have to be non-physical. Just has to be a Direct attack hit (no dots) according to the tooltip. But that’s neither here nor there for this discussion.