Bought PS5 version using a PSN account that’s link to a account linked to my PC version I bought. Help

I messed up. I pretty much bought two copies of D4 for the same account.

When I purchased the PS5 version, I did it using a PSN account lined to my account where I made the same D4 purchase on PC earlier.

My friend was going to play with me using the PS5 version but it’s registering as me logging in and kicks me out of D4 on PC because it’s under the same account.

When my friend tries to use her own PSN Account (which is linked to a different account) , it says there is no license registered. Is there a way out? Help pls.

I’m thinking my only option is to refund the PS5 version through PlayStation site and then repurchase the game but under a different psn account which would be tied to a different account. Is this the only way out?

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I did this too for my wife. She can’t even family share with me. This is ef’d up. We need a Blizzard response to this issue.

Sheesh. Glad I’m not the only one. Lemme know if you find a solution.


No solution, would probably need to do a refund with playstation store based on this post.


We are using share account with my brother. My brothers account is out main one we purchase it on his account. He can play the game rightnow but i cant. Second account never will play the game or this just for early access.

i bought the xbox version and want to buy the pc version but dont even have the option to do it. it tells me i already own the game

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I’d like to know, too. I did the same exact thing :confused:

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Maybe you could try making another PSN account on your playstation for your wife, have the game downloaded, and then have her boot it up using that account? however I’m not sure if she’ll be able to use online services without her own PSN internet membership. and at that point, you’re not saving any more money.

It sucks that this world is getting to the point where companies make you jump through hoops just so they can flaunt their statistics and when you encounter an issue with their hoops and loops they’re all “sorry, we already have your money, better luck next time” and never face any justice. What does that word even mean anymore…