Blood Lance Necro build?

If everyone already knows then there would be no point to the forums now would there?

LOL first of all this comment right here invalidates everything that you ever wrote BECAUSE the first thing I talked about was Fortify giving 10% damage reduction. That’s a technical fact about the game. You’re not above/better than the game’s technical functionality dude. IDGAF what you say nor does what you say matters.

You suck get out of here.

No one cares what you have.

just to remind people what kind of guy is saying all this stuff, here is what he said 3 days ago

Look at his post history. IT’S NOTHING BUT HATE! It’s an entire string of hate after hate after hate after hate. So it’s no surprise that he’s in here hating on someone.

By comparison, if you look at my post history, it’s being informative and helpful. That’s a far cry and better thing than this basement dwelling :clown_face: watching another basement dweller (Asmon lol) on a 2nd monitor :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: