Blizzard where is the End Game?

One year and a half + 1 expansion and nothing…
Grinding what we should get naturally while playing is not endgame.

Listen more your base players and less the streamers…
Streamers are only interested in monetizing their channels.
Read your own forums


What do you mean? Grinding for equipment?

You have to play the game then you can find it. Bad Jokes aside. What defines endgame for you?

We have whispers, bosses, grifts sorry pit, undercity, if again activated gauntlet, dark citadel and Hordes. What else do you need? And to break it down endgame in Diablo means get better gear and max your char out. Have you done it? Then you are done. Next char/build or break till new season. Thats it.

But again what else would anyone like to see as endgame activity (in comparison Blizz did a great job with above to vanilla endgame options, my opinion)?

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I can tell you where it isn’t…in the PTR.

Well, first to consider is, that NMD, PIT and Undercity are basically the same activity just with a difference in maps and loot.

But concerning your “max out” char… Not possible with the endgame activities… I am Paragon 270, and the last selffound upgrade to my gear was at around Paragon 180 or so? Anything else was only possible via Trading…
Was much better in Season 5 where I could play SSF and not spend my gametime on trading sites and discord.


I have the same toughs. They did well in S5 and broke everything again in S6

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Hmm i see your point. i’m 277 Softcore and i find constantly someting to use (3 chars this season). Maybe extreme luck i don’t know. Rng is sometimes a bit#&$
Also i have a few max aspects. But i think also it was faster in S5. But i don’t think this is really bad. What i think is bad the ancestial drop rate and the fact that only they can be max aspects.

Indeed… where is the end game? No more D4 (beyond testing out S7 for a day or two when it goes live) gaming until we get something to keep me busy and happy.

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Why do we want an end game to a game we don’t want to end?

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end game is boss runs and min maxing a character. There is an endgame no matter if you enjoy it or not

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And after all, what you do with your findings ? Grind forever to have the best gear, perfect tempering and mastering to use where ?

All these contents are basically the same… Kill n All Dungeons and nothing else.

in my best De Niro impersonation voice “it’s just down there, gah head, yeah keep going, yeah-no that door down there at the end they got some nice end-game for you… yeah just go in there, no wait where are you going? dont run…”

Its the whole purpose to get stronger and kill monsters. The only simple thing why we grind.